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Net.G Win 2000 Planning And Implementing Active Directory 英文光碟正式版(4片裝)


Net.G Win 2000 Planning And Implementing Active Directory 英文光碟正式版(4片裝)

專業電腦出版商NETg針對Windows 2000 AD的管理及安裝特別編彙而成的教學光碟。
Net.G是一家專業的電腦平面及光碟出版商曾獲頒2000年Institute of IT Training
Awards(IITT)兩項大獎「Millennium IT Training Company」及「On-line course」
的 NETg(International Education Training Group) 公司,以30多年來致力於
容包括了完整的Cisco、IBM、Microsoft 、Novell、 Oracle 和Unix等技術認證訓

這是一套最完整的Windows 2000 Planning and Implementing AD 的教學光碟,它
包含了72402、72403、74204、72405四門專門的Windows 2000 AD 設計課程,而每

Net.G是一家專業的電腦平面及光碟出版商曾獲頒2000年Institute of IT Training
Awards(IITT)兩項大獎「Millennium IT Training Company」及「On-line course」
的 NETg(International Education Training Group) 公司,以30多年來致力於
容包括了完整的Cisco、IBM、Microsoft 、Novell、 Oracle 和Unix等技術認證訓

72402 Objectives

Unit 1: Active Directory Basics
1 - 2 hours
‧ Identify the seven key features of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the features of the components of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the naming and name resolution features of Active Directory
‧ Identify the logical structure of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the physical structure of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the security features of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the internal architecture of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the functions of the Directory Service module components.
‧ Identify the internal logical architecture of Active Directory.

Unit 2: Active Directory Naming
1 - 2 hours
‧ Identify the features of the object naming and name resolution options in
Active Directory.
‧ Identify the characteristics of the integration that occurs between DNS and
Active Directory.
‧ Sequence the steps in the DNS resolution process of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the characteristics of the integration that occurs between DHCP
and DNS.
‧ Identify the guidelines for determining the DNS scope of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the guidelines for the design of the naming hierarchy to be used
in Active Directory.
‧ Identify the requirements for selecting a compatible DNS service.
‧ Identify the guidelines for choosing DNS names.
‧ Locate the information you need to document an existing DNS structure.
‧ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using a currently registered
DNS domain name.
‧ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using a child domain name of a
currently registered domain.
‧ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using a reserved private DNS
domain name.
‧ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using the same domain name
internally and externally.
‧ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using a different domain
name internally and externally.

Unit 3: Planning a Domain Structure
2 hours
‧ Identify the guidelines for selecting either OUs or domains.
‧ Design the first Active Directory domain.
‧ Identify the guidelines for designing an OU structure.
‧ Identify the guidelines for determining the number of OU levels.
‧ Identify the features of security groups in Active Directory.
‧ Identify the guidelines for using security groups in Active Directory.
‧ Identify the guidelines for delegating administration within Active
‧ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of centralized or distributed
administration of Active Directory.

Unit 4: Implementing a First Domain
2 hours
‧ Identify the process for promoting the first server.
‧ Identify the steps involved in verifying server promotion.
‧ Identify the changes made to DNS by the Active Directory installation
‧ Identify the post-installation tasks that may be required following the
installation of a domain.
‧ Locate objects in Active Directory.
‧ Move objects in Active Directory.
‧ Publish objects in Active Directory.

72403 Objectives

Unit 1: Planning Multiple Domains
1 - 2 hours
‧ Identify the features of multiple-domain trees.
‧ Identify when to implement multiple-domain trees.
‧ Identify the features of inter-domain searching.
‧ Identify the procedure for creating a domain in a Multiple-Domain Tree.
‧ Identify the features of a multiple-tree forest.
‧ Identify when to implement multiple-tree forest.
‧ Identify the features of inter-tree searching and trusts.
‧ Identify the method for implementing trees in a forest.
‧ Identify the features of multiple forests.

Unit 2: Planning Active Directory Replication
1 - 2 hours
‧ Identify the features of replication of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the differences between directory replication and directory
‧ Identify the updates that form directory replication.
‧ Identify the features of update sequence numbers.
‧ View update sequence numbers.
‧ Identify the features of propagation dampening.
‧ Identify the method that Windows 2000 uses when two conflicting changes are
made to the same attribute.
‧ Identify the features of Active Directory replication partitions.
‧ Identify the effect of latency and convergence on Active Directory
‧ Identify the functions of the operations masters used as part of the
flexible single-master operations structure in Active Directory.
‧ Identify the differences between inter-site and intra-site replication.
‧ Identify the features of connection objects.
‧ Identify the features of the Knowledge Consistency Checker.
‧ Identify the implications of modifying the replication topology.
‧ Add replication counters to Performance Monitor.
‧ Configure the Network Monitor to analyze replication traffic.
‧ Configure Replication Monitor to display replication data.

Unit 3: Sites and Replication Traffic
2 hours
‧ Identify the features of Active Directory sites.
‧ Identify the features of intra-site replication.
‧ Identify the features intra-site replication topology.
‧ Identify the features of inter-site replication.
‧ Identify the features of inter-site replication topology.
‧ Identify the features of site links.
‧ Create a new site link.
‧ Identify the features of site link bridges.
‧ Create a new site link bridge.
‧ Identify the features of Active Directory Sites and Services.
‧ Move a server from one site to another.
‧ Identify the guidelines for the physical placement of domain controllers
and global catalog servers.
‧ Identify the guidelines for controlling domain controller replication
‧ Identify the guidelines for operations master server placement.

Unit 4: Schema Modification
2 hours
‧ Identify the features of the Active Directory schema.
‧ Identify the components of the Active Directory schema.
‧ Identify the methods for modifying the schema.
‧ Identify situations where schema modification may be required.
‧ Identify issues associated with schema modification.
‧ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of creating a new child class.
‧ Identify the features of object identifiers with Active Directory.
‧ Prepare the schema operations master for modification.
‧ Identify the guidelines for creating a schema class.
‧ Create a new schema attribute.
‧ Identify the guidelines for indexing and replicating schema attributes.
‧ Identify the features of class and attribute deactivation in Active
‧ Identify the features of the naming context.
‧ Identify the features of a schema modification policy.

72404 Objectives

Unit 1: Deploying Active Directory Services
1 - 2 hours
‧ Identify the role and responsibility of a central planning team.
‧ Identify the most appropriate Active Directory design for an organization's
administrative model.
‧ Identify physical location factors that influence implementation planning.
‧ Identify security considerations in your present implementation.
‧ Identify the growth and reorganization factors that influence
implementation planning.
‧ Identify the bandwidth information required for implementation planning.
‧ Identify the guidelines for developing a profile of users in an
‧ Identify design considerations for Active Directory naming.
‧ Identify design considerations that influence the domain hierarchy.
‧ Select an OU and delegation design to simplify Active Directory
‧ Identify the guidelines for designing a site topology in Active Directory.
‧ Identify design considerations based on replication topology.
‧ Identify design considerations that influence the placement of servers
for performance improvement.

Unit 2: Data Recovery and Maintenance
1 - 2 hours
‧ Identify the way files are processed in the Active Directory data store
‧ Identify the Active Directory store files.
‧ Identify the features of the Active Directory database file.
‧ Identify the features and functions of transaction log files.
‧ Identify the features and functions of checkpoint and reserved log files.
‧ Identify the features and functions of patch files.
‧ Identify the features of automatic database cleanup.
‧ Identify the features of manual database cleanup.
‧ Sequence the steps in a non-authoritative restore of the Active Directory
‧ Sequence the steps in an authoritative restore of parts of the Active
Directory database.
‧ Identify the guidelines for estimating the size of Active Directory.
‧ Identify the guidelines for creating a backup strategy.

Unit 3: Group Policies and Certificates
2 hours
‧ Identify the features and functions of group policies.
‧ Identify the ways group policies are applied.
‧ Identify the characteristics of layered and monolithic design for the
application of group policy.
‧ Identify the characteristics of single and multiple group policy types.
‧ Identify the guidelines for using functional roles or team design in
relation to group policy.
‧ Select between central and distributed control models for the application
of group policy.
‧ Create a group policy object.
‧ Identify the default domain policies and their features and functions.
‧ Identify the features of public key encryption.
‧ Identify the features and uses of digital certificates.
‧ Select appropriate certificate mapping techniques.
‧ Identify the procedure for mapping certificates to user accounts.

Unit 4: Delegation of Administrative Authority
2 hours
‧ Identify the features and functions of security components in Active
‧ Identify the components of security descriptors in Active Directory.
‧ Identify the functions of access control entries (ACEs) and their
components in Active Directory.
‧ Identify the features of object ownership in Active Directory.
‧ Identify the features of delegation.
‧ Identify the features of inheritance that influence permissions to
‧ Identify the guidelines for delegation planning.
‧ Identify the methods of delegating the administration of objects and
‧ Delegate control using the delegation tools.

72405 Objectives

Unit 1: Developing an Upgrade Strategy
3 - 4 hours
‧ Identify the features and functions of the primary domain controller (
PDC) emulator.
‧ Identify the features of security principals in a mixed mode environment.
‧ Identify the limitations to the major services that run in mixed mode.
‧ Identify security features relating to downlevel domain controllers in
mixed mode.
‧ Identify the considerations for choosing between mixed mode and native mode
during an upgrade.
‧ Identify the upgrade paths from Windows NT to Windows 2000.
‧ Identify the guidelines for upgrading a Windows NT single domain model.
‧ Identify the guidelines for upgrading a Windows NT single-master domain
‧ Identify the guidelines for upgrading a Windows NT multiple-master domain
‧ Identify the guidelines for upgrading a Windows NT complete trust model.
‧ Identify the features of the existing domain structure that influence the
upgrade plan.
‧ Identify the issues to be addressed when developing a recovery plan that
may be needed after an upgrade.
‧ Identify the issues involved in designing the first tree in a forest and
a site topology.
‧ Identify the guidelines for deciding the order in which domain
controllers are upgraded to Active Directory.
‧ Identify the guidelines for upgrading PDCs.
‧ Identify the guidelines for upgrading PDCs, workstations, and member
‧ Identify the guidelines for testing and verifying an upgrade to Active

Unit 2: Active Directory Connector (ADC)
3 - 4 hours
‧ Identify the characteristics of Active Directory Connector.
‧ Identify the ways in which Active Directory Connector uses connection
agreements to synchronize directories.
‧ Identify the guidelines for designing the installation of the Active
Directory Connector.
‧ Identify the benefits of using Active Directory Connector in a test and
production environment.
‧ Sequence the steps for the installation of Active Directory Connector in
Windows 2000.
‧ Identify the guidelines for choosing the directions and scheduling of
synchronization between Active Directory and Exchange.
‧ Identify the guidelines for selecting bridgehead servers for Windows 2000
and Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5.
‧ Identify the guidelines for selecting containers and objects for Active
Directory Connector synchronization.
‧ Identify the advanced setting options available in Active Directory
‧ Identify the current situation that the Active Directory Connector will
be installed into.
‧ Identify the recommendations for the installation and configuration of
the Active Directory Connector.
‧ Identify the way Active Directory Connector can be used to test an Active
Directory design implementation.
‧ Identify advanced issues that may effect a planned installation of the
Active Directory Connector.
‧ Identify the connection agreement properties when ADC is implemented
between one Exchange site and one Active Directory domain.
‧ Identify the connection agreement properties when ADC is implemented
between one Exchange site and multiple Active Directory domains.
‧ Identify the connection agreement properties when ADC is implemented
between multiple Exchange sites and multiple Active Directory domains.
‧ Identify the available management functions for ADC synchronization.
‧ Identify the options for event logging for the categories available in
Active Directory Connector.
‧ Identify the performance counters available to monitor Active Directory

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