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Keystone Crystal Reports 8 英文光碟正式版 (7片裝)


Keystone Crystal Reports 8 英文光碟正式版 (7片裝)

Keystone 公司: Crystal Reports 8.x 實作教學,一次七片,不囉嗦,讓你一次學完
Keystone 公司這次所推出的教育軟體 Crystal Reports 是業界公認功能最強、系

The largest challenge with data and databases is creating the reports
people will use and that provide useful information. Upon completion of
this Crystal Reports 8.x course you will quickly create and customize
reports that will be useful and informative. See the detailed course
topics listed below.

Crystal Reports 8.0 Level 1 (1 Hr 47 Mins)
1.0 The Basics (17 Mins)
1.1 Launching Crystal Reports
1.2 The Application Window
1.3 Exploring Sample Reports
2.0 Creating a Simple Report (29 Mins)
2.1 Using the Create Report Expert
2.2 Previewing the Report
2.3 Designing a Report from Scratch
2.4 Inserting Fields
2.5 Browsing Field Data
2.6 Moving & Sizing Report Objects
2.7 Placing Text Objects on the Report
3.0 Managing Reports (9 Mins)
3.1 Saving a Report
3.2 Closing a Report
3.3 Modifying a Report Description
3.4 Opening an Existing Report
3.5 Switching Between Open Reports
4.0 Getting Help (8 Mins)
4.1 On-line Help & Searching for a Help Topic
4.2 Context-Sensitive Help
4.3 Printing a Help Topic
4.4 Seagate Software on the Web
5.0 Selecting Records (17 Mins)
5.1 The Select Expert
5.2 Using Saved versus Refreshed Data
5.3 Expert Options
5.4 Criteria Based on More than One Field
5.5 Removing a Report Selection
6.0 Sorting, Grouping, & Summarizing (27 Mins)
6.1 Sorting Records
6.2 Grouping Records
6.3 Working with Group Trees
6.4 Deleting & Changing Groups
6.5 Inserting Summary Calculation
6.6 Defining Other Summary Calculations

Crystal Reports 8.0 Level 2 (1 Hr 57 Mins)
1.0 Reports Based on More than One Table (24 Mins)
1.1 Using the Create Report Expert
1.2 Modifying a Report Created with the Expert
1.3 Building a Multi-table Report without the Expert
2.0 Enhancing Your Report with Formatting (17 Mins)
2.1 Changing the Font of a Text or Field Object
2.2 Adding Borders & Drop Shadows
2.3 Formatting Numeric Data
2.4 Changing Object Alignment
3.0 Utilizing Conditional Formatting (23 Mins)
3.1 Absolute Formatting
3.2 Conditional Formatting
3.3 The Highlighting Expert
3.4 Modifying & Deleting a Conditional Format
4.0 Creating Formulas with Crystal Syntax (47 Mins)
4.1 The Formula Editor & Inserting Formulas
4.2 Changing Numbers to Words
4.3 String Manipulation
4.4 Date Calculations
4.5 Creating Summary Calculations & Totaling By Group
4.6 Working with Running Totals
4.7 Running Sums
4.8 If-Then-Else Formulas
5.0 Creating Formulas with Basic Syntax (6 Mins)
5.1 Creating Formulas & Entering Code
5.2 Adding Comments

Crystal Reports 8.0 Level 3 (2 Hrs)
1.0 Parameter Fields (19 Mins)
1.1 Creating Parameters Fields
1.2 Working with Multiple Parameter Fields
1.3 Adding a Parameter Field to a Printed Report
1.4 Deleting Parameters
2.0 Formatting Report Sections (36 Mins)
2.1 Changing the Size of a Section
2.2 Sizing a Section Automatically
2.3 Inserting & Deleting Lines
2.4 Using the Selection Expert
3.0 Advanced Grouping Techniques (16 Mins)
3.1 Grouping & Sort Direction & Custom Groups
3.2 Sorting within a Group
3.3 Grouping on Intervals
4.0 Finishing Touches (17 Mins)
4.1 Using the Style Expert
4.2 Creating Special Fields
4.3 Special Text Object Features
4.4 Working with Lines & Boxes
4.5 Adding Pictures to Your Report
5.0 Including Cross-Tabulations in Your Reports (32 Mins)
5.1 Creating a Cross-Tab Report Using the Cross-Tab Expert
5.2 Creating a Cross-Tab Report without an Expert
5.3 Modifying the Data included in a Cross-Tab Report
5.4 Formatting a Cross-Tab Report

Crystal Reports 8.0 Level 4 (2 Hrs 3 Mins)
1.0 Summary Reports (19 Mins)
1.1 Building a Summary Report
1.2 Allowing or Disallowing Drill-downs
2.0 Running Totals Reports (22 Mins)
2.1 Creating Running Totals Overall
2.2 Creating Running Totals for a Group
2.3 Creating Conditional Running Totals
2.4 Creating Running Totals with a One-to-Many Relationship
3.0 Top N (10 Mins)
3.1 Creating a Report with the Top N Values
3.2 Creating a Report with the Bottom N Values
4.0 Working with Subreports (20 Mins)
4.1 Creating an Unlinked Subreport
4.2 Creating a Linked Subreport
4.3 On-demand Subreports
5.0 Advanced Record & Group Selection (22 Mins)
5.1 Setting up Group Selection
5.2 Creating a Record or Group Selection Formula
6.0 Mailing Labels (9 Mins)
6.1 Creating Mailing Labels
6.2 Modifying the Attributes of Mailing Labels
7.0 Form Letters (21 Mins)
7.1 Creating a Form Letter with the Expert
7.2 Modifying Attributes of a Form Letter
7.3 Creating a Form Letter without the Expert
7.4 Customizing a Form Letter for Different Recipients

Crystal Reports 8 Level 5 (1 Hr 40 Mins)
1.0 Working with Data (54 Mins)
1.1 Databases Overview
1.2 Aliases
1.3 Indexes
1.4 Relationships
1.5 SQL & SQL Databases
1.6 Server-side Processing
1.7 Mapping Database Fields
1.8 Working with Different Types of Data
1.9 Advanced Database Features
1.10 Reporting on the NT Event Log
1.11 Reporting on Exchange or Outlook Data
2.0 Using SQL (Structured Query Language) (16 Mins)
2.1 What is SQL? & Creating a Report Based on an ODBC Datasource
2.2 Building a SQL Query
2.3 Modifying SQL Options
3.0 The Crystal Query Designer (18 Mins)
3.1 Why Use a Query
3.2 Creating a Query
3.3 Modifying the Query
3.4 Creating a Report from a Query
3.5 Basing a Query on a Query
4.0 Creating a Data Dictionary (12 Mins)
4.1 Why Use a Data Dictionary?
4.2 Creating a New Data Dictionary
4.3 Basing a Report on a Dictionary
4.4 Setting Dictionary Options

Crystal Reports 8 Level 6 (1 Hr 58 Mins)
1.0 Advanced Formula Techniques (51 Mins)
1.1 Creating a Complex Formula
1.2 Using a Variable
1.3 Assigning a Value to a Variable
1.4 Using Arrays in Formulas
1.5 Using Ranges in Formulas
1.6 Debugging Formulas
2.0 Charting Your Report Data (1 Hr 7 Mins)
2.1 Creating a Group Chart
2.2 Creating a Detail Formula Chart
2.3 Creating a Cross-tab Chart
2.4 Modifying Chart Options
2.5 Drilling Down on a Graph
2.6 Re-entering the Chart Expert
2.7 Using a Graph Template

Crystal Reports 8 Level 7 (2 Hrs 17 Mins)
1.0 Mapping (44 Mins)
1.1 Mapping on Grouped Fields
1.2 Modifying Map Attributes
1.3 Mapping on Detail Fields
1.4 Mapping on Cross-tab Summaries
1.5 Using the Map Analyzer
2.0 OLE (27 Mins)
2.1 OLE Introduced
2.2 Adding OLE Objects to a Report
2.3 Working with Static OLE Objects
2.4 Embedded vs. Linked Objects
3.0 External Data Sources (25 Mins)
3.1 Dbase/FoxPro
3.2 The File System
3.3 NT Event Log
3.4 Exchange
3.5 Outlook
4.0 Distributing Reports (7 Mins)
4.1 Exporting a Report
4.2 Mailing a Report
5.0 Distributing Reports Over the Web (15 Mins)
5.1 Saving a Report as HTML
5.2 Crystal Web Report Server
5.3 Building Active Web Sites
6.0 Integrating with Visual Basic (19 Mins)
6.1 The Crystal Report Engine API
6.2 Crystal ActiveX Controls

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