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TomTom Navigator Benelux v3.0 德文/法文光碟正式版("歐洲的著名風景點"PDA及電子地圖)(2CD)


TomTom Navigator Benelux v3.0 德文/法文光碟正式版("歐洲的著名風景點"PDA及電子地圖)



這是一套相當著名的 PDA電子地圖,而且是多國語言,讓你可以非常方便而且可以

TomTom Navigator 3 is the flexible and personal car navigation system for your
Pocket PC. TomTom Navigator 3 guides you effortlessly from door to door via the
best route. Clear 3D colour maps and spoken instructions take the stress out of
driving. Plan the best route when you have multiple stops: pick up colleagues on
the way to a meeting or friends on the way to a restaurant.

Route around areas you would like to avoid due to traffic jams or road works. The
Major Roads of Europe feature makes planning and navigating international trips easier
than ever. Plan the best route from Munich to Lyon, and TomTom will guide you there.

In Belgium, they use two names for every city, a dutch and a french one. CD1 has
the dutch, CD2 the french, so you only need one of the CD's. Crack is included
on both CD's.

Install with serial (product code) as given by the keygen in \_crack.
After install on ur pda, the software asks for online activation, choose NO.
Follow instructions on screen and generate an activation code with the keygen,
based on the device number as given by TomTom.

Have urself dropped in the middle of nowhere, enable ur gps and have ur TomTom
tell you the way back home...

TomTom Navigator is an easy-to-use navigation system for Microsoft Pocket
PCs. More and more people are discovering the benefits of car navigation
systems. It gives you the confidence of always finding the quickest route
to your destination. It gives you the freedom to fully focus on the
traffic ahead of you, without needing to check your route. And it gives
you the comfort of knowing that if you have a congestion ahead, you can
travel around it.

Pay Attention:
The digital maps are supplied by Tele Atlas NV. These are the same maps
used in much more expensive, built-in car navigation systems.

Good for business and leisure
TomTom Navigator is as useful for professional travellers as
holidaymakers, and ideal for both quick journeys and longer, more
thoroughly planned routes. You can enter your destination and follow the
instructions immediately. It enables you to simply enter your destination
before you set off or to work out the likely length of your journey. You
can also consult TomTom Navigator in advance to check a proposed route.
And it is of course, also possible to take TomTom Navigator with you when
you need a rental car. TomTom Navigator is a flexible journey planner.
Use it alongside other Pocket PC features such as the built-in diary and
address book to take control of your travel arrangements.

Extra options
TomTom Navigator is more than just a route finder. The digitised maps
include an extensive list of locations of petrol stations, car parks,
service stations, car dealerships and many places of interest. You can
always select the closest location and specify that as your destination
. TomTom Navigator immediately provides you with accurate directions to
ensure that you easily find your way.

Detailed maps
When you first use TomTom Navigator, you will be amazed by the huge
amount of information stored on your Pocket PC. You can find practically
every road, path and roundabout on the extremely detailed map. You can
also zoom in and out to see different levels of detail. Additional maps
are available for most European countries.

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