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Eviware SoapUI Pro v3.6 Linux 綜合性的軟體測試解決方案工具 英文破解版

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Eviware SoapUI Pro v3.6 Linux 綜合性的軟體測試解決方案工具 英文破解版



Why soapUI?
soapUI is much more than great software; it's a solution containing all
you need for effective testing of enterprise systems using protocols like
Web Services and JMS. soapUI enables rapid development to a low cost,
always with focus on high quality.

soapUI is built for developers; the look and feel is similar to modern
development tools and it?s well integrated with common development
environments and processes. This makes soapUI fast and fun!

Rapid development
By using soapUI Pro instead of more old-fashioned test methods you can save
around 30% of the development time!

Focus on high qualityFocus on high quality
Working in soapUI enables you to focus on your test mission; assure quality
of your target systems. By using soapUI you are able to create tests more
quickly, enabling you to test earlier and test more, covering all aspects
of your Web Services. How do you know when you?ve tested it all? Use the
unique Test Coverage functionality of soapUI.

Low costLow cost
soapUI Pro is the market cost leader. People ask us why; ?Is your product not
as good as other tools or are you just stupid selling it too cheap?? The
answer to both of these questions is ?No?. The reason why we can have such
a low price is the way we work. We have a slim, flat organization working
close to our customers. The price is actually not low, it?s just right.
The world of today is totally different from the world of yesterday.

Fast and Fun!Fast and Fun!
Of course, hard factors such as time, cost and quality are important when you
decide which Testware to buy. Quite a big part of the soapUI success is based
on its impact on these hard factors. But not to forget, when it comes to more
soft parameters like enjoyment soapUI Pro is outstanding! SoapUI Pro simply
makes your work more fun; you can do the job faster and the tool encourage
creativity and improvisation, which in turn makes you a better tester.

The soapUI concept
SoapUI is much more than great software; the software combined with easy update
procedures, world class support, professional training and a community with
deeply engaged users gives you a complete solution meeting all your needs
for effective testing.

Software No matter what need you have when it comes to effective testing,
soapUI will meet it. Take a tour and discover how the extensive feature set
of soapUI can support you during all phases of a project.

Software Updates All Software Updates, minor as well as major ones, are
included in the yearly software license fee. This means that you always
can work with the latest released version of the software. When a new
version of the software is available, just download it. No extra fee is

Nightly builds We practice what we preach. Software is a continuous process
that can be tested and released on a daily basis. Bug fixes and other soapUI
updates are released daily in our Nightly Builds. Working tightly with our
community we quality assure soapUI continuously. Whenever you need the latest
fixes and features; just download the latest build

What's new in Version 3.6?

Improved WADL importer
Improved viewing of attachments rest-icon.png
Improved support for huge file attachments (>200mb)
Fixed many memory leaks for long-running tests
Added support for project-level script libraries
Added setting to enable wordwrap in Raw message views
Increased default memory setting in .sh files
Added action to clear the current Workspace
Added option to show namespaces in refactoring wizard
Improved web-recording functionality:
- wizards for generating web tests when creating new projects
- possibility to exclude HTTP Headers
- support for multiple recording sessions
Improved loadUI project generation from functional TestCases

Major bugs fixed:

Fixed adding of HTTP Query Parameters
Fixed JDBC Assertions to handle connection errors/li>
Several fixes to JDBC-connection related functionality
Fixed showing of passwords in UI
Several UI cleanups and minor bug-fixes
Fixed preview of -f argument in runner dialogs
Fixed usage of correct soap version when refactoring
Fixed parameter resolving in script properties
Fixed saving of reordered TestCases
Fixed SSL Support for soapUI TestCases in loadUI
Fixed bundling of external resources in generated War files
Fixed all code-generation to work from command-line tools

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