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TrackStudio Enterprise v4.0.7 Linux 工作流引擎軟體 問題追蹤系統 英文破解版

軟體名稱:TrackStudio Enterprise v4.0.7 Linux 工作流引擎軟體 問題追蹤系統 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
軟體類型:工作流引擎軟體 問題追蹤系統

破解說明:安裝完成後,請將光碟 \trackstudio_KeyMaker 目錄下的檔案,複製到主程式的
安裝目錄內中,並覆蓋, 即可破解!


TrackStudio is a generic issue tracking system designed to manage
large numbers of tasks such as issues, problems, change requests,
and so on. The following key benefits explain the advantages of
TrackStudio over its competitors:

1. TrackStudio's support of Work Breakdown Structure gives the user
the ability to manage large task hierarchies effectively.
Your efficiency and ability to manage complex tasks increases when
you divide these tasks into simpler ones, and in turn break these
into still smaller parts. To do this effectively your issue management
system should support task hierarchy. Although complete support for
task hierarchy is beneficial, the complexities involved make it a
feature offered by very few issue tracking systems. Most issue tracking
systems only provide categorization of tasks in the database.

2. TrackStudio supports an Organizational Breakdown Structure and gives
companies the ability to effectively manage large groups of users,
whether they are staff or customers.
Many companies use matrix project management. However, for fully
functioning support of matrix project management a department and
user hierarchy is required. Unfortunately, until TrackStudio came
along, issue tracking software often lacked this feature, and did
not allow the experience of using the system successfully in one
department to flow into the whole organization. It is also nearly
impossible to manage a simple list consisting of 500 or more staff
and customers with the user-management techniques of most systems.

3. TrackStudio allows companies to maintain unified project management
standards, while taking into account the peculiarities of individual
projects at the same time. TrackStudio allows inheritance of project
structures, and provides the ability to customize them to suit the
particular needs of individual teams and departments.
When your company has a number of projects on hand, the needs of the
various projects can often be subtly different. Very few systems
support full, project-specific customization of the issue tracking
process. TrackStudio is one of the few capable of creating custom
fields, item filters, workflows, or e-mail notification rules for
particular project groups, projects or even issue.

4. TrackStudio allows you to reduce the maintenance cost of managing
a large number of projects and lowers the security risks.
Protection and access control are increasingly given top priority in
security conscious companies. TrackStudio has a unique security
subsystem which allows a project manager unlimited control over his
or her own project options, while remaining unaware of the existence
of other projects, their users, workflows, user groups, or custom fields.

5. TrackStudio makes maintaining your business worldwide possible.
We realize that in a worldwide business it is crucial for an issue
management system to support localization, internationalization,
various character encodings, and time zones. We understand that
supporting various browsers, operating systems, application servers,
and database management systems is also important. To provide you
with a flawless issue management system, each TrackStudio release
is tested on five operational systems, seven DBMSs, five application
servers, and the two major browsers.

All of the above items are difficult to implement but we feel they
are important features for any high-level issue management system.
If you know of an issue tracking system that has even three of the
five mentioned features then please tell us about it and we will
publish the details on this page.

New features in TrackStudio Enterprise 3.5 (July, 2006) include:

* Totally new SCM integration has been implemented.
* Linking of tasks and users has been improved significantly.
* Simplified full text search was implemented.
* Microsoft Project reporting has been improved.


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