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Lenders Toolbox v10.4 貸款計算器 英文破解版



Lender's ToolBox是每一個貸款者必須的工具,這個工具不僅能夠幫助用戶
可以生成一次付款額的計畫表。內置的Loan Calculator工具可以用what if

Program Description:
The Lender's ToolBox? includes the most essential tools needed by
every lender (or borrower, for that matter). A versatile Amortization
program that not only computes and prints the "normal" monthly P&I
schedules but also allows fixed principal payments plus accrued interest.
On-screen options allow you to also produce "balloon" (lump sum) payment
schedules whenever desired. Use the included Loan Calculator for quick
"what if" scenarios to properly structure any loan request. Some of the
major features include:

* Amortize loans (up to 999 million) using weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly,
monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payments. For Canadian Mortgage
calculations you can also choose 'Accelerated' weekly or bi-weekly payments.
(Numbers & dates will be displayed/printed using your system's Regional Settings,
allowing proper 'formatting' for non-U.S. users.)
* Calculate interest using a 'standard' fixed rate or the variable rate option.
When a variable rate interest rate type is selected you can optionally project a
"worst-case" interest rate scenario for the computed Amortization Schedule!
* Calculate interest using equal 30 day months (360/360 accrual basis) or exact
days between dates (choose between a 365/365 or 365/360 exact days basis).
Canadian Mortgage calculations (360/360 with semi-annual compounding) are
also supported.
* Include odd days to first payment (positive or negative) when using equal
30 day month calculations.
* Include payments for Insurance, Taxes, and Other escrow amounts in the
computed schedule ... the periodic payment will be adjusted accordingly.
* Include "interest free" or "interest only" payments at the beginning of
the scheduled term. (You can even instruct the program to 'equalize' the
calculated payment amount for loans containing interest free payments or
extend the scheduled term for loans containing interest only payments!)
* The final scheduled payment can be either a normal or a balloon
(lump sum) payment.
* You can easily "modify" the standard schedule to include rate changes,
lump-sum or additional payments, reduced/increased principal payments,
* Print your company name as a page footer on every Amortization schedule
(can be turned off, if you prefer).
* Print the sequential payment number next to each payment due date as
well as annual totals (calendar -OR- fiscal year) ... both are optional
with each schedule produced.
* Full print preview with four report styles, user-selectable fonts,
and user-selectable paper sizes. You can even include 'custom' text in
your Amortization Schedule's 'header' section.
* Print customized payment coupons for any Amortization Schedule and
easily collate them into a "payment booklet" for your borrowers.
* Save any of your reports to an HTML or PDF file for viewing or
printing in a word processor, browser, or PDF viewer, and you can also
export the Amortization Schedule grid's values to a tab-delimited text
file for import into a spreadsheet application.
* You can set your preferred program & Amortization Schedule defaults
to speed data entry and avoid input errors. (Defaults can be overridden
when necessary on individual schedules).
* Copy that "perfect" loan scenario from the Loan Calculator to the
Amortization Schedule form with the click of a button. Or use the
included Refinancing Breakeven Calculator to determine the cost/benefits
of a refinance package.
* Context-sensitive Help is always available with the F1 key, along
with pop-up "What's This?" help on many of the program's "child" forms.
* Your Major Version registration (license) remains valid (and free)
for all minor upgrade releases (10.1, 10.2, etc).


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