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商品編號:DVD10010 碟片數量:1片 銷售價格:180 瀏覽次數:34697 【轉載TXT文檔】 |
TIC3081--SQL語法查詢入門 PDF電子書 繁體中文版
TIC3080--SQL達人的工作現場攻略筆記 PDF電子書 一本告訴您如何正確編寫與思考SQL的書籍 繁體中文版
DVD27695--72節課:跟李銳學Excel 從入門到精通 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27696--Docker與微服務實戰 2022版 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27697--零基礎玩轉Linux+Ubuntu實戰視頻課程 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
WB Music Joe Pass Jazz Lines TUTORiAL 英文正式版(音樂教學)(DVD一片裝)
WB Music Joe Pass Jazz Lines TUTORiAL 英文正式版(音樂教學)(DVD一片裝)
Joe Pass is one of the most influential and respected jazz guitarists in
the world. He is know equally for his incredible single-line improvising
as well as brilliant chordal playing.
Touch Typer (California)
The DVD includes a booklet with all of the video examples transcribed on
the treble clef - with absolutely no tablature. If you live off of tab then
I wouldn't recommend this video, but if you can read music there is a wealth
of information to study and learn from.
Joe breaks everything down to its simplest form - major, minor, or dominant.
He covers everything very quickly and then goes to the examples, which he
gives plenty of. However, if you're hoping for some chord melody tips or
counterpoint examples you'll be disappointed with this video - it covers
exactly what the title says: Jazz LINES. He does speak a little bit in the
beginning about how he views chords but he doesn't go beyond that.
For anyone looking to learn about playing jazz lines, improvising, or about
Joe's lead style in general, this is a fantastic buy. If you can't read music
but are interested in Joe's style and can learn visually without too much
grief, I would recommend the video, but the ability to read will certainly
help you to get as much from the material presented as possible.
WB Music Joe Pass Jazz Lines TUTORiAL 英文正式版(音樂教學)(DVD一片裝)
Joe Pass is one of the most influential and respected jazz guitarists in
the world. He is know equally for his incredible single-line improvising
as well as brilliant chordal playing.
Touch Typer (California)
The DVD includes a booklet with all of the video examples transcribed on
the treble clef - with absolutely no tablature. If you live off of tab then
I wouldn't recommend this video, but if you can read music there is a wealth
of information to study and learn from.
Joe breaks everything down to its simplest form - major, minor, or dominant.
He covers everything very quickly and then goes to the examples, which he
gives plenty of. However, if you're hoping for some chord melody tips or
counterpoint examples you'll be disappointed with this video - it covers
exactly what the title says: Jazz LINES. He does speak a little bit in the
beginning about how he views chords but he doesn't go beyond that.
For anyone looking to learn about playing jazz lines, improvising, or about
Joe's lead style in general, this is a fantastic buy. If you can't read music
but are interested in Joe's style and can learn visually without too much
grief, I would recommend the video, but the ability to read will certainly
help you to get as much from the material presented as possible.