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Alfred Publishing Artist Series Paul Wertico Drum Philosophy 英文正式版(爵士教材)(DVD一片裝)


Alfred Publishing Artist Series Paul Wertico Drum Philosophy 英文正式版(爵士教材)(DVD一片裝)

Like many of you, as a student of the instrument I would emphasize the need to
sit down and view Paul Wertico’s Drum Philosophy DVD in its entirety. Not only
will you enjoy this DVD, I can assure you that you will find Paul’s insights
invaluable with respect to playing the drum set in a true musical and melodic
sense. Also, thanks to Alfred Publishing for their ongoing commitment to the
types of instructional gems such as the one we have here in Drum Philosophy.

If you’re not old enough or just haven’t been fortunate enough to experience
Paul Wertico, here is some background…

In the early 1980’s, Paul Wertico became the drummer for the legendary Pat Metheny
Group, and while with them, earned an unbelievable seven Grammy Awards which
included Best Jazz Fusion Performance, Best Contemporary Jazz Performance, and
Best Rock Instrumental Performance. After leaving the Pat Metheny Group in 2001,
Paul co-led the critically acclaimed trio, Spontaneous Combustion and Earwax
Control, of which a performance can be seen on the Drum Philosophy DVD. Paul
also still performs with his closest mates, themselves renowned musical legends
(Laurence Hobgood – Keyboards, John Moulder – Guitar, Eric Hochberg – Bass in
the Paul Wertico Trio. These are the musicians on the performing on the DVD; and
they also share their thoughts on Paul Wertico’s musicality. (see Paul’s website
@ for a much more comprehensive anthology of his experience and
the many albums to his credit.

These days, Paul Wertico is as busy as ever since recently receiving a full time
appointment as Assistant Professor and Head of Jazz Studies at the Chicago College
of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University.

Back to Paul Wertico Drum Philosophy… Teaching comes naturally to Paul, his
calmness while explaining his musical philosophies seems to complement the looseness
and tension free feel that he displays on the drum kit. His approach to drums is
to produce tonal and melodic musicality; much like an artist creates layers of
colors, one over the other that ultimately creates the desired feel. Paul Wertico
also has the most developed sense of hearing the music that I’ve ever observed;
and he offers some great advice on the overall sound of your kit. He also explains
his ability to remove himself from the song which is very important because we must
always remember that being a professional musician is not all about self-indulgence,
but about the listener’s perception.

In Drum Philosophy, Wertico spends ample time explaining how each performance piece
was created and the type of feel he was going for. He spends quite a bit of time
discussing the importance of every part of the song and what it is trying to convey.
In other words, there should be no wasting of musical moments. The chapters include:

Stick Technique to get the sound you are looking for (check out Paul’s recommendation
on using knitting needles instead of sticks in situations to bring out additional
tones which is demonstrated in Time Impulse)

Melody on playing to the melody; which cuts right down to the type of musicality that
can be achieved on the drum set.

Ghost Notes where Paul shows how he uses them to enhance overall tone and dynamics,
especially on the cymbals to enhance greater speed.

Drummer advice where Paul offers solid tips on practice, and an explanation of as to
how the notion of time and feel are really quite different. This also leads into a
stunning performance called Time Impulse, which is a freestyle frenzy which exemplifies
his ability to dig deep within and play off each of the other musicians.

Great performances with subsequent explanations & breakdowns of original tunes such as
The Smuggler, Cowboys and Africans, which all the while demonstrate Paul Wertico’s
philosophy of musicality, movement and melodic expression.

Paul Wertico Drum Philosophy offers a framework to playing the instrument not just as
a drummer, but as a true musician. I highly recommend this DVD as it really does
represent what I would consider a fresh approach to the drums from the perspective
of pure musicality.

Lastly, to those graduating high school this year or next, and are considering numerous
musical programs to further their education, I would strongly suggest adding to your
list the Jazz Studies Program with Paul Wertico at the Chicago College of Performing
Arts at Roosevelt University.

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