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Simply Painting Watercolors The Northeast TUTORiAL 英文正式版(音效素材)(DVD一片裝)


Simply Painting Watercolors The Northeast TUTORiAL 英文正式版(音效素材)(DVD一片裝)

Frank Clarke teaches the basics of watercolor painting using his simple step by step
instructions and techniques. This 2 disc set is filmed on location on a painting tour that
travels throughout North America discovering beautiful landscapes.
This DVD is very precise in the tutoring -. every single detail is here.

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Frank Clarke and Simply Painting has made over 400 programmes to date. These shows are
broadcast across the world and Frank is a household name in the US, UK and Australia.
Frank has taught millions of people to paint using his have some more fun system through his
books, TV programmes, videos and website.

We here at Simply hope you enjoy the contents of the site. Remember its free to
register and only costs €6 a month to Upgrade to a Premium Insiders account. Why not register
with us today, its free to have a look and then decide.

Remember, Painting is for anyone so why not
Have - Some - More - FunFrank Clarke

Simply Painting System

Well as I always say, someone has to show you how to start and it has to be simple. When I
started to teach I found the one thing all beginners, and even some amateur painters had in
common was a very disordered approach to their work.

The very same applied to me when I started to paint. I was unsure where to start and when
I did, I was jumping about the paper like a bucket of frogs!

So I was determined to devise a system which students found easy to use and remember.
The answer was to break every picture into four distinct parts.

Once they did this their painting improved in leaps and bounds. However, as students left
the class and did not paint again for some weeks or months, they seemed to forget what
I had told them.

So I racked my brains and found what I wanted to say in a simple unforgettable sentence:
Have Some More Fun!!!

Frank Clarke's unique programs feature a mix of travel and painting instruction, a winning
combination that entertains as well as instructs. In this highly entertaining and informative
series, Frank Clarke uses eleven different subjects to help the viewer master and enjoy the
wonderful world of watercolors.

Frank Clarke is one of Ireland's most popular TV personalities. He created the Simply Painting
series to teach others how to paint with watercolors and how to have fun while they learn.

In this highly entertaining and informative series, Frank Clarke uses different subjects to
help the viewer master and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolors.

Master Class: Simply Painting: Vol. 1 ~ The Northeast features some of the most beautiful
landscapes throughout the Northeast including:

* Panning for Gold (Maine)
* Skiing on Sugarbush Mountain (Vermont)
* An American Sunrise (Maine)
* The Narrows on Lake George (NY)
* Shaker School House (Maine)
* Sagamore Camp - Lake George (NY)
* Moose Head Lake (Maine)
* Heart of the Adirondacks (NY)
* Artist's Bridge (Maine)
* There Are Garnets in Oem Oere Hills - Hudson River (NY)
* A Busy Little Post Office (Maine)

DVD Features

* Interactive Full Motion Menus
* Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
* Chapter Selections

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