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MS-Visual Studio 2010 Essential Training 視訊課程( 最新VS2010訓練視訊課程 精彩不可錯) 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)


軟體簡介: 出品的Visual Studio 2010基礎視頻教學.

教學主講:Walt Ritscher


Visual Studio 2010中的基礎教學視頻系列中,主講人沃爾特Ritsche演示如何開
發針對多平臺的全功能應用程式. 從一個對集成開發環境的概述開始,課程內容包

In Visual Studio 2010 Essential Training, author Walt Ritscher demonstrates
how to develop full-featured applications targeting a variety of platforms.
Starting with an overview of the integrated developer environment, the
course covers working with code editors, navigating and formatting code,
and deploying applications. Also included are tutorials on running performance
and load tests, and debugging code. Exercise files accompany the course.

Topics include:
‧Creating a Visual Studio project
‧Building the user interface
‧Binding to an RSS feed
‧Coding with IntelliSense
‧Creating rich Internet applications with Silverlight
‧Building Windows applications with Windows Forms
‧Integrating with SQL Server
‧Working with Microsoft Office applications
‧Understanding extensibility in Visual Studio
‧Working with data, ADO.NET and datasets
‧Using source control


Welcome 01:02
Using the exercise files 01:01
07:19 1. Getting Started
Understanding the Visual Studio versions 03:51
Setting up your developer computer 03:28
58:02 2. Exploring the Visual Studio Workspace (IDE)
Creating a Visual Studio project 04:58
Working with Solution Explorer 06:32
Working with big projects 03:53
Taking a tour of the Integrated Developer Environment (IDE) 08:36
Introducing drag-and-drop UI design 07:38
Working with the Properties window 06:44
Looking at Server Explorer 07:04
Exploring the new Help engine 06:41
Setting options for the IDE 05:56
39:25 3. Building a Simple Application
Creating a simple WPF application 01:32
Building the UI with the editors 09:14
Working with the application code 03:37
Communicating with the web site 07:15
Connecting your data 08:04
Binding to an RSS feed 05:04
Packaging and deploying the application 04:39
39:46 4. Exploring the Code Editors
What languages are supported in Visual Studio 2010? 01:17
Exploring basic settings for the Code Editor 05:35
Writing a C# program 06:48
Writing a VB program 06:29
Working with C++ 06:38
Working with F Sharp 06:09
Font and color options 06:50
01:05:47 5. Working with Code
Formatting your code 06:43
Navigating your code 07:44
Using the Task List 02:26
Commenting your code 02:45
Documenting your code 08:26
Using IntelliSense effectively 07:00
Working with code snippets 06:25
Refactoring your code 05:15
Understanding code generation 02:10
Generating code with T4 06:29
Using the Class View, Class Designer, and Class Diagram tools 05:51
Refactoring VB with CodeRush Xpress 04:33
01:11:15 6. Understanding the Project Types
Working with project and item templates 08:38
Creating a console application 07:05
Creating a class library 06:26
Creating a web site with ASP.NET 07:37
Creating a rich internet application with Silverlight 06:57
Creating a classic Windows application with Windows Forms 10:31
Creating a dramatic Windows application with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 04:41
Creating a WCF service 09:01
Using an existing WCF service 06:38
Navigation UI designs with the Document Outline view 03:41
33:18 7. Digging Into Your Data
Creating a data project with SQL Project 06:24
Clarifying the confusion on .NET Data 03:31
Using ADO.NET in your application 06:50
Creating typed datasets 07:55
Using the data binding tools 08:38
30:13 8. Debugging Your Application
Debugging code 09:32
Working with the Watch and other debug windows 07:46
Other debugging techniques 06:50
IntelliTrace historical debugging in Visual Studio Ultimate 06:05
17:56 9. Testing Your Application
Understanding Visual Studio editions and test tools 02:22
Verifying your code with unit tests 08:58
Running performance and load tests 06:36
34:05 10. Deploying Your Application
Building your application 04:19
Customizing the build process with MSBuild 06:36
Setting assembly information 02:12
Deploying a basic Windows application 02:19
Creating an installer with Visual Studio 07:39
Creating a ClickOnce application 05:13
Setting up IIS for deploy 02:09
Deploying a Silverlight or ASP.NET application 03:38
14:00 11. Working with Source Control
Understanding source control 02:09
Setting up Team Foundation Server source control 03:05
Using Team Foundation Server source control 08:46
17:31 12. Integrating with Microsoft Office Applications
Understanding the .NET Office integration 04:16
Making a Word 2007 application 07:54
Making an Excel 2010 add-in 05:21
31:34 13. Extending Visual Studio
Understanding the extensibility model in Visual Studio 02:17
Adding external tools to the Tools menu 04:42
Creating macros 07:16
Using the Extension Manager 05:01
Creating an MEF add-in 07:09
Deploying and installing an add-in with VSIX 05:09
25:34 14. Configuring Your Application
Working with configuration files 05:37
Using the Settings Editor 07:30
Using the Resources Editor 06:59
Localizing your resources 05:28
01:17 Conclusion

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