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Digital Tutors Modeling Female Androids in Maya 2012 (Maya2012女機械人建模教學) 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
,附工程原始檔案,使用軟體:Maya 2012
In this Maya tutorial, we'll use a variety of modeling tools and
techniques to construct a female android. We'll start the process
by setting up reference images so our results match more closely.
We'll look at how to start blocking in the main elements of our
android model. We'll explore methods for cutting geometry apart
to use as the various pieces. We'll use smoothing methods to get
nice contoured shapes and learn a few ways to create hard, beveled
edges to get a machined look. We'll use polygon geometry for the
most part, but we'll also use NURBS for a few specific pieces. By
the end of this Maya tutorial, you'll have a completed android
model that you built from scratch, but more importantly, you'll
be familiar with the tools and techniques used so you can apply
them to your own projects.
,附工程原始檔案,使用軟體:Maya 2012
In this Maya tutorial, we'll use a variety of modeling tools and
techniques to construct a female android. We'll start the process
by setting up reference images so our results match more closely.
We'll look at how to start blocking in the main elements of our
android model. We'll explore methods for cutting geometry apart
to use as the various pieces. We'll use smoothing methods to get
nice contoured shapes and learn a few ways to create hard, beveled
edges to get a machined look. We'll use polygon geometry for the
most part, but we'll also use NURBS for a few specific pieces. By
the end of this Maya tutorial, you'll have a completed android
model that you built from scratch, but more importantly, you'll
be familiar with the tools and techniques used so you can apply
them to your own projects.