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高階英聽檢測必讀《The Economist》2012年3月份 上課錄音 MP3+PDF電子書 合輯教學版(DVD一片裝)



《The Economist》20120303-20120309

《The Economist》20120303-20120309.pdf
001 Introduction.mp3
002 The world this week - Politics.mp3
003 The world this week - Business.mp3
004 Leaders.mp3
005 Leaders - The beginning of the end of Putin.mp3
006 Leaders - Companies and productivity.mp3
007 Leaders - North Korea's nuclear weapons.mp3
008 Leaders - China's capital controls.mp3
009 Leaders - How to rig an election.mp3
010 Letters.mp3
011 Briefing.mp3
012 Briefing - Putin's Russia.mp3
013 United States.mp3
014 United States - The Republican race.mp3
015 United States - Abortion in Virginia.mp3
016 United States - The Senate.mp3
017 United States - The housing market.mp3
018 United States - A sperm bank for elephants.mp3
019 United States - Prayer in public schools.mp3
020 United States - Policing drug sales.mp3
021 United States - Lexington.mp3
022 The Americas.mp3
023 The Americas - Ecuador.mp3
024 The Americas - Sao Paulo's mayoral race.mp3
025 The Americas - Columbia's FARC.mp3
026 The Americas - Electoral malpractice in Canada.mp3
027 The Americas - Peru's Shining Path.mp3
028 Asia.mp3
029 Asia - North Korean nuclear progress.mp3
030 Asia - South Korea's media.mp3
031 Asia - Poverty in Japan.mp3
032 Asia - Australian politics.mp3
033 Asia - Afghanistan's crisis of trust.mp3
034 Asia - Banyan.mp3
035 China.mp3
036 China - The politics of economic reform.mp3
037 China - The economics of reform.mp3
038 China - Hong Kong politics.mp3
039 Middle East and Africa.mp3
040 Middle East and Africa - Saudi Arabia.mp3
041 Middle East and Africa - Syria's crisis.mp3
042 Middle East and Africa - Arab Diets.mp3
043 Middle East and Africa - Iranian Television.mp3
044 Middle East and Africa - Nigeria's finance minister.mp3
045 Middle East and Africa - South Africa's cemeteries.mp3
046 Europe.mp3
047 Europe - Portugal and the euro.mp3
048 Europe - Ireland and the euro.mp3
049 Europe - Illegal immigration.mp3
050 Europe - Politics in Greece.mp3
051 Europe - Politics in Italy.mp3
052 Europe - The French Election.mp3
053 Europe - Charlemagne.mp3
054 Britain.mp3
055 Britain - Electing the Lords.mp3
056 Britain - Homophobia.mp3
057 Britain - Drugs policy.mp3
058 Britain - Welfare reforms.mp3
059 Britain - Lloyd's of London.mp3
060 Britain - Immigration and settlement.mp3
061 Britain - Film in Northern Ireland.mp3
062 Britain - Bagehot.mp3
063 International.mp3
064 International - Election fraud.mp3
065 International - Smart campaigning.mp3
066 International - Election monitoring.mp3
067 International - Passport design.mp3
068 International - Wild meat.mp3
069 Business.mp3
070 Business - Indian takeovers abroad.mp3
071 Business - News Corporation's travails.mp3
072 Business - Myanmar gets ready for business.mp3
073 Business - Myanmar gets ready for business.mp3
074 Business - IT in Myanmar.mp3
075 Business - Fashion retailers and social media.mp3
076 Business - Retail fraud.mp3
077 Business - Schumpeter.mp3
078 Finance and economics.mp3
079 Finance and economics - Global poverty.mp3
080 Finance and economics - Carbon prices.mp3
081 Finance and economics - The Euro crisis.mp3
082 Finance and economics - Buttonwood.mp3
083 Finance and economics - Japan's currency.mp3
084 Finance and economics - Canada's pension funds.mp3
085 Finance and economics - Free exchange.mp3
086 Science and technology.mp3
087 Science and technology - Bunker-busting.mp3
088 Science and technology - Police line-ups and psychology.mp3
089 Science and technology - Human reproduction.mp3
090 Science and technology - Radiation and evolution.mp3
091 Books and arts.mp3
092 Books and arts - Quantum physics.mp3
093 Books and arts - World sport.mp3
094 Books and arts - India today.mp3
095 Books and arts - Documentary film-making.mp3
096 Books and arts - New fiction.mp3
097 Books and arts - Discovering Matisse and Picasso.mp3
098 Obituary - M.R.D. Foot.mp3
099 Technology quarterly.mp3
100 Technology quarterly - What happened to the flying car.mp3
101 Technology quarterly - We've got it covered.mp3
102 Technology quarterly - Reviving autopsy.mp3
103 Technology quarterly - An open-source robo-surgeon.mp3
104 Technology quarterly - Pumping ions.mp3
105 Technology quarterly - Pivoting pixels.mp3
106 Technology quarterly - No more whirly-splat.mp3
107 Technology quarterly - Starting from scratch.mp3
108 Technology quarterly - Meaningful gestures.mp3
109 Technology quarterly - This is not a video game.mp3
110 Technology quarterly - Unblinking eyes in the sky.mp3
111 Technology quarterly - Computing with soup.mp3
112 Technology quarterly - Packing some power.mp3
113 Technology quarterly - Can the scientists keep up.mp3
114 Technology quarterly - Counting every moment.mp3
115 Technology quarterly - Taking the long view.mp3

《The Economist》20120310-20120316

《The Economist》20120310-20120316.pdf
001 Introduction.mp3
002 The world this week - Politics.mp3
003 The world this week - Business.mp3
004 Leaders.mp3
005 Leaders - The dream that failed.mp3
006 Leaders - The Republicans.mp3
007 Leaders - The world economy.mp3
008 Leaders - Innovation in China.mp3
009 Leaders - Trade in Latin America.mp3
010 Letters.mp3
011 Briefing.mp3
012 Briefing - Japan after the 3_11 disaster.mp3
013 United States.mp3
014 United States - The Republican nomination.mp3
015 United States - Inequality.mp3
016 United States - College enrolment.mp3
017 United States - Contraception.mp3
018 United States - High-speed trains.mp3
019 United States - Counter-terrorism.mp3
020 United States - Building mosques.mp3
021 United States - Lexington.mp3
022 The Americas.mp3
023 The Americas - Brazil, Mexico and trade.mp3
024 The Americas - The Caribbean.mp3
025 The Americas - Canada and Iceland.mp3
026 The Americas - Argentina and the Falklands.mp3
027 The Americas - Mexico's election.mp3
028 Asia.mp3
029 Asia - India's state elections.mp3
030 Asia - Timor-Leste.mp3
031 Asia - Myanmar's last Jews.mp3
032 Asia - Taiwan, America and meat wars.mp3
033 China.mp3
034 China - The National People's congress.mp3
035 China - Who's reading what.mp3
036 China - Banyan.mp3
037 Middle East and Africa.mp3
038 Middle East and Africa - Egypt's presidential race.mp3
039 Middle East and Africa - Iranian nukes and polls.mp3
040 Middle East and Africa - Syria's crisis.mp3
041 Middle East and Africa - Burundi's troubles.mp3
042 Middle East and Africa - HIVAIDS in South Africa.mp3
043 Europe.mp3
044 Europe - Russia's presidential election.mp3
045 Europe - The French elite.mp3
046 Europe - The Netherlands and the euro.mp3
047 Europe - Spain's budget defecit.mp3
048 Europe - Poland and Lithuania.mp3
049 Europe - German baby hatches.mp3
050 Europe - Charlemagne.mp3
051 Britain.mp3
052 Britain - The government after Steve Hilton.mp3
053 Britain - The Church of England.mp3
054 Britain - Higher education.mp3
055 Britain - Education and jobs.mp3
056 Britain - Bootleg tobacco.mp3
057 Britain - Mind Candy.mp3
058 Britain - Bagehot.mp3
059 International.mp3
060 International - Agricultural biodiversity.mp3
061 International - Cybercrime.mp3
062 International - Migration and religion.mp3
063 International - Poaching.mp3
064 International - Vatileaks.mp3
065 Business.mp3
066 Business - Manufacturing.mp3
067 Business - Women in business.mp3
068 Business - Cotton exports.mp3
069 Business - Social media and job titles.mp3
070 Business - Apple's cash pile.mp3
071 Business - Lady Gaga's internet strategy.mp3
072 Business - Schumpeter.mp3
073 Finance and economics.mp3
074 Finance and economics - Oil and the world economy.mp3
075 Finance and economics - Ray Dalio.mp3
076 Finance and economics - Buttonwood.mp3
077 Finance and economics - Inter-bank interest rates.mp3
078 Finance and economics - China's new growth targets.mp3
079 Finance and economics - BTG Pactual's initial public offering.mp3
080 Finance and economics - Allen Stanford.mp3
081 Finance and economics - Genes and investing.mp3
082 Finance and economics - Free exchange.mp3
083 Science and technology.mp3
084 Science and technology - Treating prostrate cancer.mp3
085 Science and technology - Searching for aliens.mp3
086 Science and technology - Antimatter.mp3
087 Science and technology - Animal behaviour.mp3
088 Books and arts.mp3
089 Books and arts - Creating economic wealth.mp3
090 Books and arts - The uses of religion.mp3
091 Books and arts - The history of computing.mp3
092 Books and arts - New fiction.mp3
093 Books and arts - Art after Fukishima.mp3
094 Obituary - James Q. Wilson.mp3
095 Special report.mp3
096 Special report - The dream that failed.mp3
097 Special report - A brief history.mp3
098 Special report - Safety.mp3
099 Special report - Nuclear waste.mp3
100 Special report - Costs.mp3
101 Special report - Prospects.mp3

《The Economist》20120317-20120323

《The Economist》20120317-20120323.pdf
001 Introduction.mp3
002 The world this week - Politics.mp3
003 The world this week - Business.mp3
004 Leaders.mp3
005 Leaders - The world economy.mp3
006 Leaders - Britain_s budget.mp3
007 Leaders - Chinese politics.mp3
008 Leaders - Afghanistan_s fading hopes.mp3
009 Leaders - Equity investing.mp3
010 Letters.mp3
011 Briefing.mp3
012 Briefing - The American economy.mp3
013 United States.mp3
014 United States - Rolling back the nanny state.mp3
015 United States - The Republican race.mp3
016 United States - Southern Baptists.mp3
017 United States - California and taxes.mp3
018 United States - Earth art.mp3
019 United States - Voter ID.mp3
020 United States - Reclaiming Montana.mp3
021 United States - Lexington.mp3
022 The Americas.mp3
023 The Americas - Drug policy in Latin America.mp3
024 The Americas - Sport in Venezuela.mp3
025 The Americas - Colombia_s oil industry.mp3
026 The Americas - Education in Brazil.mp3
027 Asia.mp3
028 Asia - Afghanistan.mp3
029 Asia - Asia and its floods.mp3
030 Asia - A Singapore cemetery.mp3
031 Asia - Japan_s nostalgia for leadership.mp3
032 Asia - China and Nepal.mp3
033 Asia - Banyan.mp3
034 China.mp3
035 China - Power politics.mp3
036 China - The power of microblogs.mp3
037 Middle East and Africa.mp3
038 Middle East and Africa - Morocco_s reforms.mp3
039 Middle East and Africa - Whispered dissent in UAE.mp3
040 Middle East and Africa - Food and the Arab spring.mp3
041 Middle East and Africa - Lebanon and Syria.mp3
042 Middle East and Africa - Strife in the Sahel.mp3
043 Europe.mp3
044 Europe - Germany_s coalition.mp3
045 Europe - Slovakia_s election.mp3
046 Europe - France_s election.mp3
047 Europe - Greek politics.mp3
048 Europe - Repression in Turkey.mp3
049 Europe - Bulgaria and Romania.mp3
050 Europe - Charlemagne.mp3
051 Britain.mp3
052 Britain - Corporate saving and the budget.mp3
053 Britain - Financing creativity.mp3
054 Britain - Entertainment retailing.mp3
055 Britain - Shopping in stations.mp3
056 Britain - The outsourcing boom.mp3
057 Britain - Culture and regeneration.mp3
058 Britain - Retirement patterns.mp3
059 Britain - Bagehot.mp3
060 International.mp3
061 International - Private schools for the poor.mp3
062 International - Cross-border inheritance.mp3
063 International - The ICC_s first verdict.mp3
064 International - Surf economics.mp3
065 Business.mp3
066 Business - Online newspapers.mp3
067 Business - Cola wars_ continued.mp3
068 Business - Miners in Zimbabwe.mp3
069 Business - Online video in China.mp3
070 Business - Gambling in Spain.mp3
071 Business - Foreign investment in Italy.mp3
072 Business - Crowdfunding.mp3
073 Business - Schumpeter.mp3
074 Finance and economics.mp3
075 Finance and economics - The equity risk premium.mp3
076 Finance and economics - Walter Schloss.mp3
077 Finance and economics - Greece_s default.mp3
078 Finance and economics - Credit-rating agencies.mp3
079 Finance and economics - US stress tests.mp3
080 Finance and economics - Buttonwood.mp3
081 Finance and economics - China_s economy.mp3
082 Finance and economics - Free exchange.mp3
083 Science and technology.mp3
084 Science and technology - Combating climate change.mp3
085 Science and technology - Rare earths and climate change.mp3
086 Science and technology - Matter and antimatter.mp3
087 Science and technology - Neutrino communications.mp3
088 Books and arts.mp3
089 Books and arts - Eisenhower remembered.mp3
090 Books and arts - The roots of creativity.mp3
091 Books and arts - Terminal care.mp3
092 Books and arts - Understanding language.mp3
093 Books and arts - New fiction.mp3
094 Books and arts - Death of a Salesman.mp3
095 Obituary - Sailen Manna.mp3

《The Economist》20120324-20120330

《The Economist》20120324-20120330.pdf
001 Introduction.mp3
002 The world this week - Politics.mp3
003 The world this week - Business.mp3
004 Leaders.mp3
005 Leaders - Britain_s budget.mp3
006 Leaders - India_s economy.mp3
007 Leaders - Oil reserves.mp3
008 Leaders - The Apple effect.mp3
009 Leaders - Online security.mp3
010 Leaders - Cuba.mp3
011 Letters.mp3
012 Briefing.mp3
013 Briefing - Indian politics.mp3
014 United States.mp3
015 United States - American Diplomacy.mp3
016 United States - The Republican race.mp3
017 United States - A budget proposal.mp3
018 United States - C-Span.mp3
019 United States - Obamacare at two.mp3
020 United States - Lexington.mp3
021 The Americas.mp3
022 The Americas - Brazil_s pension system.mp3
023 The Americas - Religion in Mexico.mp3
024 Asia.mp3
025 Asia - Military spending in South-East Asia.mp3
026 Asia - South China Sea.mp3
027 Asia - A mining tax for Australia.mp3
028 Asia - Elections in Timor-Leste.mp3
029 Asia - Japanese Politics.mp3
030 Asia - Tonga.mp3
031 Asia - Banyan.mp3
032 China.mp3
033 China - Rural Poverty.mp3
034 China - New urban problems.mp3
035 Middle East and Africa.mp3
036 Middle East and Africa - Syria_s uprising.mp3
037 Middle East and Africa - Egypt_s Copts.mp3
038 Middle East and Africa - Iraq and its neighbours.mp3
039 Middle East and Africa - South Africa_s president.mp3
040 Middle East and Africa - South Sudan.mp3
041 Europe.mp3
042 Europe - Italy_s Reforms.mp3
043 Europe - The Toulouse killings.mp3
044 Europe - Hungary and Europe.mp3
045 Europe - Germany and Europe.mp3
046 Europe - Belarus under fire.mp3
047 Europe - Turkey and the Kurds.mp3
048 Europe - Charlemagne.mp3
049 Britain.mp3
050 Britain - Budget 2012.mp3
051 Britain - Taxing the rich.mp3
052 Britain - Labour_s answer.mp3
053 Britain - Fissiparous Anglicans.mp3
054 Britain - Diaspora politics.mp3
055 Britain - Modern languages.mp3
056 Britain - North Sea oil.mp3
057 Britain - Cannabis.mp3
058 Britain - The North East.mp3
059 Britain - Bagehot.mp3
060 International.mp3
061 International - Arctic Politics.mp3
062 International - Methamphetamines.mp3
063 International - Disarmament.mp3
064 Business.mp3
065 Business - Zara.mp3
066 Business - Uniqlo.mp3
067 Business - Tax preparers.mp3
068 Business - Patenting biology.mp3
069 Business - Trademark Bullying.mp3
070 Business - UPS buys TNT Express.mp3
071 Business - Beer in Africa.mp3
072 Business - Schumpeter.mp3
073 Finance and economics.mp3
074 Finance and economics - Apple_s share price.mp3
075 Finance and economics - Buttonwood.mp3
076 Finance and economics - Ireland_s debt burden.mp3
077 Finance and economics - Fiscal policy.mp3
078 Finance and economics - Wall Street Deregulation.mp3
079 Finance and economics - Building euro-zone competitiveness.mp3
080 Finance and economics - Free exchange.mp3
081 Science and technology.mp3
082 Science and technology - Computer passwords.mp3
083 Science and technology - Pilotless Aircraft.mp3
084 Science and technology - Neutrinos.mp3
085 Science and technology - The settlement of Madagascar.mp3
086 Books and arts.mp3
087 Books and arts - American foreign policy.mp3
088 Books and arts - The Spanish civil war.mp3
089 Books and arts - India_s landscape.mp3
090 Books and arts - Mapping India.mp3
091 Books and arts - Damien Hirst.mp3
092 Obituary - John Demjanjuk.mp3
093 Special report.mp3
094 Special report - Revolution in retreat.mp3
095 Special report - Inequality.mp3
096 Special report - Population.mp3
097 Special report - The economy.mp3
098 Special report - Politics.mp3
099 Special report - Cuban-Americans.mp3
100 Special report - After the Castros.mp3

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