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Six Pack Shortcuts (最持久輕鬆的燃脂方式 AfterBurnTraing 增進你的基代 輕鬆減重+塑身!) FLV格式 (只能電腦播放)(DVD一片裝)


最持久輕鬆的燃脂方式 AfterBurnTraing 增進你的基代 輕鬆減重+塑身!

Six Pack Shortcuts Will Show You How To...

Burn Your Stubborn Belly Fat
Burn your stubborn belly fat with 21 full Afterburn Training workouts.
WARNING – these workouts are INTENSE, and NOT for the faint of heart!
Exercises to build a lean, toned body without becoming excessively bulky.
Lose your love handles and get a trim, toned waistline.
Advanced fat loss techniques to help you lose that last “inch you can
pinch” of fat on your lower abs, and finally see full six pack abs.

Build Lean, Ripped Muscle

Insane muscle building workouts – I’ll show you the exercises and techniques
I personally used to gain muscle. I’ll also break down the form for each
muscle-building exercise in detail, so that you can do these workouts as
safely as possible.
Exercises to build chest muscle -- I’ll give you the 3 chest exercises which
have gotten the best results for my clients in the past. I’ll also show you
how to perform these exercises with expert-level form to maximize your results.
Build muscular biceps, triceps, and shoulders – I give show you the exercises
that worked the best for me to build muscle in these areas...and show you how
to do it to. I also explain how each muscle group is DIFFERENT – and show you
exactly how to sculpt impressive-looking upper body muscle.
Skinny guys – build muscle and get a strong body you’ll be proud to show off.
I’ll show you exactly what you need to do DIFFERENTLY if you’re naturally
skinny, and you struggle to gain muscle. You’ll learn simple adjustments to
make to your diet and workouts, so that you can finally start putting on size.

Get Real Six Pack Abs
Build your core strength with these 9 CRAZY bodyweight exercises to build a
stronger, firmer core. I guarantee you that you’ll “feel the burn” from these!
Beginner ab exercises to start laying the foundation for your abs. I’ll show
you how you can work your abs safely, and how to minimize the risk of back
pain or injury.
INTENSE advanced ab exercises that experienced guys can use to build ab muscle,
and see that full six pack.
Tips for women to build tastefully defined, feminine abs. I’ll show you the 4
exercise adjustments to make to the program to build a toned, feminine physique
with real abs – without building excessive muscle or bulk.

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