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商品編號:DVD16532 碟片數量:1片 銷售價格:200 瀏覽次數:34723 【轉載TXT文檔】 |
DVD12950--Lynda com After Effects Apprentice 09 Expressions 運算式的運用視頻教學 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
TIC2608--Lynda com InDesign Insider Training Interactive PDFs (InDesign內部培訓互動式PDF教學) 英文教學版
TIC1504--Digital Tutors出品的教程:Maya中Mental Ray次表面渲染工作流程 英文正式版 Digital Tutors Mental Ray Workflows In Maya Subsurface Scattering-NoPE
TIC1764--Lynda com Fireworks CS4 Rapid Prototyping 英文正式版(Lynda.com出品的Adobe Fireworks CS4快速成型技術教程)
Kelby Training Studio Photography Techniques Using Constant Light 視頻教學 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
Are you ready to take your lighting skills to the next
level? Join Master Craftsmen Photographer James Schmelzer
as he guides you through the transition from strobes to
using constant lighting sources. We no longer need to use
strobes all of the time, and constant lighting gives us
the ability to better read the lighting on the face.
James starts off with an introduction into lighting
theory, then takes you through the step-by-step process
of setting up various types of constant lighting sources,
and ways to create different effects with some of the
lights that are available today. Constant lighting
sources make it fun and easy to experiment, and you'll
leave the class feeling inspired to try some of the
techniques in your own photography!
Are you ready to take your lighting skills to the next
level? Join Master Craftsmen Photographer James Schmelzer
as he guides you through the transition from strobes to
using constant lighting sources. We no longer need to use
strobes all of the time, and constant lighting gives us
the ability to better read the lighting on the face.
James starts off with an introduction into lighting
theory, then takes you through the step-by-step process
of setting up various types of constant lighting sources,
and ways to create different effects with some of the
lights that are available today. Constant lighting
sources make it fun and easy to experiment, and you'll
leave the class feeling inspired to try some of the
techniques in your own photography!