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DVD27697--零基礎玩轉Linux+Ubuntu實戰視頻課程 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27221--15堂占星入門全攻略:探秘占星師 開啟有錢有趣又有閒的迷人職業 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27262--SketchUP Advanced Architecture 2022 (SketchUp技巧教學) 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD7070--Fxphd com Fusion 101 Tutorial 英文正式版(Fusion 101 基礎視頻教學)(dvd1片裝)
TIC1150--3DMAX建模方法 繁體中文教學電子書
本視頻教學是由Digital-Tutors機構出品的InDesign CC 基礎入門視頻教學,Digital
-Tutors Your First Day with InDesign CC,時長:5小時27分,教學使用軟體:
InDesign CC v9.0,作者:Eddie Russell,共35個章節,
InDesign軟體是一個定位於專業排版領域的設計軟體, 是面向公司專業出版方案的新
平臺。 由Adobe公司1999年9月1日發佈。它是基於一個新的開放的面向物件體系,可
If you are opening InDesign for the very first time, the application can be
quite intimidating. Where do you start? What do you learn first? This InDesign
tutorial was specifically designed to answer just those questions for you.
We will be focused here on getting you up and running in the application
quickly, teaching you about tools and workflows that you will need to
understand from day one. To begin this course, we will start out slow,
introducing you to some important terminology. From here we will spend some
time focusing on InDesign objects and frames and how to add and manage their
attributes and contents.
Moving on, we will learn about a variety of topics to help make you successful
including color, effects, rulers and guides, layers and object organization as
well as some of the really powerful styles that InDesign uses. By the end of
this training, you will have accumulated a solid foundation of knowledge and
be ready to move deeper into the powerful application.
本視頻教學是由Digital-Tutors機構出品的InDesign CC 基礎入門視頻教學,Digital
-Tutors Your First Day with InDesign CC,時長:5小時27分,教學使用軟體:
InDesign CC v9.0,作者:Eddie Russell,共35個章節,
InDesign軟體是一個定位於專業排版領域的設計軟體, 是面向公司專業出版方案的新
平臺。 由Adobe公司1999年9月1日發佈。它是基於一個新的開放的面向物件體系,可
If you are opening InDesign for the very first time, the application can be
quite intimidating. Where do you start? What do you learn first? This InDesign
tutorial was specifically designed to answer just those questions for you.
We will be focused here on getting you up and running in the application
quickly, teaching you about tools and workflows that you will need to
understand from day one. To begin this course, we will start out slow,
introducing you to some important terminology. From here we will spend some
time focusing on InDesign objects and frames and how to add and manage their
attributes and contents.
Moving on, we will learn about a variety of topics to help make you successful
including color, effects, rulers and guides, layers and object organization as
well as some of the really powerful styles that InDesign uses. By the end of
this training, you will have accumulated a solid foundation of knowledge and
be ready to move deeper into the powerful application.