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Digital Tutors-Introduction to Maya 2015 (maya2015 基礎教學) 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)


maya2015 基礎教學...想學3d的不要錯過

001 Introduction and project overview.flv
002 Navigating the viewport.flv
003 Working with the Maya interface.flv
004 Creating Maya projects.flv
005 Working with scene files in Maya.flv
006 Viewport shading and selection modes.flv
007 Transforming objects in Maya.flv
008 Using component mode.flv
009 Using the Attribute Editor.flv
010 Grouping and parenting.flv
011 Using the Maya hotbox.flv
012 Writing a MEL script.flv
013 Creating custom shelves.flv
014 Modeling overview.flv
015 Adding image planes.flv
016 Creating a blank for the body.flv
017 Using Quad Draw to create the body.flv
018 Finishing the main body topology.flv
019 Cleaning up the main body.flv
020 Modeling the thrusters.flv
021 Adding edges for smoothing.flv
022 Adding tubes using curves.flv
023 Adding ribs to the tubes.flv
024 Modeling the shoulder guards.flv
025 Building the upper arm.flv
026 Beginning the lower arm.flv
027 Adding the extending gun.flv
028 Adding the claws.flv
029 Modeling the front detail on the body.flv
030 Modeling the underside of the body.flv
031 Building the upper leg.flv
032 Modeling the lower leg.flv
033 Adding the shield.flv
034 Hierarchy and model prep.flv
035 Materials and texturing overview.flv
036 Applying simple materials.flv
037 Using ramps to drive material channels.flv
038 Adding multiple materials to objects.flv
039 Working with procedural textures.flv
040 UV Basics.flv
041 Using Substance to add metal detail.flv
042 Using the Ramp Shader.flv
043 Adding file textures.flv
044 Adding a bump map.flv
045 Rigging overview.flv
046 Cleaning up our scene.flv
047 Building a control object for the mech's center-of-mass.flv
048 Finishing the mech's center-of-gravity control.flv
049 Rigging with Driven Keys.flv
050 Building your first joint chain.flv
051 Completing the setup of our initial joint chain.flv
052 Mirroring joints in Maya.flv
053 Connecting our leg joints to follow the mech's root.flv
054 Binding geometry.flv
055 Creating joint chains for the mech's arms.flv
056 Controlling the mech's arms.flv
057 Adding Inverse Kinematics to the limbs.flv
058 Limb controls.flv
059 Connecting attributes with the Connection Editor.flv
060 Controlling the mech's toes.flv
061 Wrapping up our foot controls.flv
062 Rigging the mech's weapon.flv
063 Finishing the initial setup process of the mech's weapons.flv
064 Controlling the guns.flv
065 Adding a global control.flv
066 Making our scene animator-friendly.flv
067 Animation overview.flv
068 How to create and edit keyframes in Maya.flv
069 Managing keyframes in the Graph Editor and cycling animation infinitely.flv
070 Working with Auto Key and creating simple expressions in the Graph Editor.flv
071 Working with expressions.flv
072 Path animation.flv
073 Starting on the mech's sequence.flv
074 Animating the mech's platform.flv
075 Blocking in the mech's performance.flv
076 Finalizing our blocking pass.flv
077 Working on the mech's polishing pass.flv
078 Finishing the mech's polishing pass.flv
079 Adding a shot camera.flv
080 Finalizing the shot and previewing animations in real-time with Playblasts.flv
081 Dynamics overview.flv
082 Key concepts of dynamics in Maya.flv
083 Emitting nParticles from a mesh.flv
084 Editing nParticle properties, using the correct space scale for particle simulations, and setting up collisions.flv
085 Finalizing our nParticle settings.flv
086 Shading nParticles.flv
087 Animating nParticle attributes.flv
088 Adding more particles to enhance our simulation.flv
089 Animating our new nParticle object.flv
090 Adding wind effects to nParticles and improving the quality of your simulation via the nucleus solver.flv
091 Finalizing our nParticle simulation and working with the nCache tools.flv
092 Rendering overview.flv
093 Understanding various light types.flv
094 Controlling light color and intensity.flv
095 Adjusting light decay and specular contribution.flv
096 Altering the Render Stats of Maya objects.flv
097 Using images to generate realistic lighting.flv
098 Adding secondary illumination sources to our scene.flv
099 Baking Substance textures for mental ray rendering.flv
100 Fine-tuning the rendered appearance of materials.flv
101 Fine-tuning the rendered appearance of particles.flv
102 Adding final quality adjustments to our render.flv
103 Preparing render settings for final output.flv
104 Rendering the final sequence from Maya.flv

龍騰版    105年    105學年    106學年    106年    107學年    107年    麻省理工    程薇    國中基測    藍光電影    陳光高中數學    上學期    超級函授    高上    數位補習班    建國補習班    台大醫科    樂學網    嫩模    特種考試    李祥    程逸    祝欲    周易    劉明彰    張凡    張皓    計算機概論    劉逸    莊柏    國家考試    數位學堂    TKB    大碩補習班    陳光國中數學    xyz藍光    xyz志光    嘉義志光    志光lod    新竹志光    台中志光    志光數位    高雄志光    志光函授    台南志光    台北志光    志光公職    校用卷    點線面    雙向溝通    麻辣系列    奇鼎事業    KO會考    漢華文教    口袋書    特色招生    會考ING    建弘    103年    103學年度    易經    李居明    占卜    先天易數    姓名學    蘇民峰    面相    風水    六爻    八字    舒淇    黑澀會    李宗瑞    高解析度    平面設計    素材    縱橫數海    陣翰英文    合聲英文    鼎甲    何嘉仁    卡通    楊鑫    國中數學    102學年度    adult    電子書課本    筆記電子書    全彩講義    考研究所    上課錄音    音樂MP3    芝麻街英語    全領域    全年級    97年    Autodesk    99年新課綱    電影版    志光名師    西洋歌曲    6年級    全新課程    老師授課    西洋音樂    日本女優    99學年度    林晟    ansys    馬蓋先    TURBOCAD    BitDefender    NOD32    秋之回憶    SketchUp    會聲會影    ImTOO    InDesignCS5    SPSS    PAPAGO    AfterEffects    Max    3ds    天線寶寶    卡巴斯基    SolidWorks    Nero    鋼鐵人    Wildfire    Engineer    PTC    powerdvd    YOYO    華康金蝶    自拍    金榜之路    魔法24    全民英檢    葉問    flash    mastercamx    illustrator    photoshop    Adobe    AUTOCAD    正妹    太陽馬戲團    訊連科技    譯典通    正航    迪士尼    微軟    圖庫    DVD合輯    電腦命題    題庫    相聲    翻譯軟體    命題光碟    向補習說再見    基測百分百    名師到你家    研究所補習班    謝孟媛    陳巃羽    野馬    高昇    建宏    金安    全都會    北北基    Siemens    翰林    康軒    考卷資源    Office    Microsoft    幼教    巧連智    南一    下學期    iPod    iPhone    iPAD    鼎文    民航特考    專業科目    平版系統    Android    高等考試    高考    知識達    公務人員    三等考試    高普考    100學年度    101學年度    陳光數學    高點    高中數學