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TIC3080--SQL達人的工作現場攻略筆記 PDF電子書 一本告訴您如何正確編寫與思考SQL的書籍 繁體中文版
DVD27695--72節課:跟李銳學Excel 從入門到精通 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27696--Docker與微服務實戰 2022版 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27697--零基礎玩轉Linux+Ubuntu實戰視頻課程 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27221--15堂占星入門全攻略:探秘占星師 開啟有錢有趣又有閒的迷人職業 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
In this tutorial we'll take an introductory look at ZBrush, a powerful
sculpting, painting, and illustration application.
We'll begin by exploring the ZBrush interface and cover the process of
getting geometry ready to sculpt so you can jump in and begin creating. We'll
talk about Pixols and the unique 2.5D workflow and we'll talk about basic methods
for creating and manipulating geometry on the canvas. Subdividing your mesh and
beginning to use the sculpting brushes to add detail will be covered, as well as
techniques for painting your models.
We'll also cover topics like masking, polygroups, and several innovative methods
for building geometry including ZSpheres, DynaMesh and ShadowBox. We'll start
with some simple geometry and then progress to more of a project-based approach
as we explore sculpting, painting, using FiberMesh, lighting and rendering,
and map creation.
ZBrush is an extremely robust application, so we'll only be able to skim the
surface of many of its tools in our time together. You can, however, find more
in depth tutorials on many of these topics on the site.
In this tutorial we'll take an introductory look at ZBrush, a powerful
sculpting, painting, and illustration application.
We'll begin by exploring the ZBrush interface and cover the process of
getting geometry ready to sculpt so you can jump in and begin creating. We'll
talk about Pixols and the unique 2.5D workflow and we'll talk about basic methods
for creating and manipulating geometry on the canvas. Subdividing your mesh and
beginning to use the sculpting brushes to add detail will be covered, as well as
techniques for painting your models.
We'll also cover topics like masking, polygroups, and several innovative methods
for building geometry including ZSpheres, DynaMesh and ShadowBox. We'll start
with some simple geometry and then progress to more of a project-based approach
as we explore sculpting, painting, using FiberMesh, lighting and rendering,
and map creation.
ZBrush is an extremely robust application, so we'll only be able to skim the
surface of many of its tools in our time together. You can, however, find more
in depth tutorials on many of these topics on the site.