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電腦遊戲:生化危機5:黃金版 Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition 英文破解版(1DVD9+1DVD 此片售價380元)

電腦遊戲:生化危機5:黃金版 Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition 英文破解版(1DVD9+1DVD 此片售價380元) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:電腦遊戲:生化危機5:黃金版 Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition 英文破解版(1DVD9+1DVD 此片售價380元) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:2片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Windows 7/XP/Vista 軟體類型:動作冒險類(ACT)遊戲 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2015-04-20 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$380元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. 請先將2片的內容解壓縮到同一個資料夾 2. 安裝遊戲 3. 複製PLAZA檔夾下的破解補丁到遊戲目錄覆蓋 4. 運行遊戲   軟體簡介: 萬眾期待的《生化危機5:黃金版(Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition)》正式登陸了 PC上的Steam平臺。 《生化危機5》早已於2009年登陸PS3、Xbox 360和PC三平臺,但在2010年推出的整合 了新增作戰章節《迷失噩夢》和《絕望逃亡》的《生化危機5:黃金版》卻並未登陸PC 平臺。這對許多PC玩家來說是不小的遺憾。 《生化危機5:黃金版》包含原版遊戲和一個《未頌的故事合集包》DLC。 《未頌的故事合集包》中的DLC均為首次登陸PC平臺,包含以下內容: Lost in Nightmares 追加章節1- What happened that night? That night when Chris thought he lost his partner… Now you can find out what happened during that mission when Chris and Jill visited the infamous Spencer mansion. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, just mystery…the story that wasn’t included in Resident Evil 5 reborn, the nightmare you cannot forget… Desperate Escape 追加章節2– Safe but exhausted, Jill has collapsed. Awoken by BSAA agent Josh Stone, play through their desperate escape from the Tricell facility, fighting off unrelenting waves of enemies in heart-pumping blockbuster action as they race to assist Chris and Sheva in their final showdown with Albert Wesker. The Mercenaries Reunion 模式 – this new mode brings 8 new playable characters and weapon load outs into the fray, providing players with additional challenges as they aim to shoot down as many enemies as they can within a limited time. Play as one of the unsung heroes of the original RESIDENT EVIL, Barry Burton, take control of one of the stars of RESIDENT EVIL 0, Rebecca Chambers, step into the designer- made high heels of one of villains, Excella Gionne, or take on the role of Delta Team's commander, Josh Stone. Chain together your kills, extend your time and rack up points. Featuring the most extreme weapon selections, The Mercenaries Reunion provides hours of new strategy-induced kill sprees. 對戰模式(Versus Mode) - Control Chris, Sheva and other RE5 favorites in online battles of up to 4 players! Compete for points by defeating Majini in SLAYERS or take down other players in SURVIVORS. Fight alone or in a team for a total of 4 exciting variations! 更多的可收集扭蛋(Extra Figures) - Unlock items in Extra Figures. You will be able to add figures like Barry and Rebecca to your collection. 額外服裝(Additional Costumes) – check out Chris' completely new take on tactical field armor with Heavy Metal, and add a bit of elfin fantasy to Sheva with Fairy Tale. These costumes can also be used in The Mercenaries Reunion in addition to the main story. 配置要求 最低配置: Supported OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core? 2 Quad 2.4GHz or better, AMD Phenom? II x4 3.4GHZ or better Memory: 4GB or better Graphics: 512 MB VRAM, NVIDIAR GeForce 9800 series or better, ATI Radeon HD 7770 or better Display: Minimum 800 x 600 pixel resolution Sound: DirectSound Compatible (DirectX 9.0c or higher) DirectXR: DirectX 9.0c / Shader 3.0 or better Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard drive space Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse Internet connection required for game activation. Supported OS: Windows 7 推薦配置: Processor: Intel Core? i5-3570 or better, AMD Phenom? II x4 3.4GHZ or better Memory: 4GB or better Graphics: 512 MB VRAM, NVIDIA(R) GeForceR GTX 650 or better, ATI Radeon HD 7770 or better Display: Minimum 1280 x 720 pixel resolution Sound: DirectSound Compatible (DirectX 9.0c or higher) DirectXR: DirectX 9.0c / Shader 3.0 or better Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard drive space Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse, controller supported Internet connection required for game activation. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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