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商品描述 Shots Issue Vol 91 Bonus 英文光碟正式版 (廣告視頻素材)

軟體簡介: Shots Issue Vol 91 Bonus 英文光碟正式版 (廣告視頻素材)(DVD版)




。有動畫、音樂短片視頻、DVD短片等DVD 或VHS格式的文件供選擇。你可以選擇最適

shots programme and magazine is dedicated to providing you with the best
of creativity in advertising from across the globe. Published every two
months, shots is available in online, DVD and VHS formats, so you can view
the spots in the format that best suits you.

Retail: UK 125.00

issue track spot title Brand/Artist
91 1 Loyal Levi's 599
91 2 A Day In The Life Sony PlayStation
91 3 War Of The Appliances Tooheys Extra Dry
91 4 Dust GAP
91 5 Tuperzik Hutchison 3
91 6 Big Ad Carlton Draught
91 6 Blackout Orange
91 7 Speech Bubble NSPCC
91 8 Grand Classics Motorola
91 9 Biscuit, Pixelgrrl G4 Network
91 10 Animals Dairycrest Countrylife
91 11 Maureen Nike
91 12 Twister Nike Finish Line
91 13 Change Of Venue Powerade
91 14 From Desk 'Till Dawn Old Navy
91 15 Shower Axe
91 16 Violin Zhilian Recruitment
91 17 Love Story Ikea
91 18 Regurgitator
91 19 Calories Discovery Channel
91 20 Distraction Department For Transport/Teenage Road Safety
91 21 Promotional Video (Viral) Vonage
91 22 Why Hurry? SF Cinema City
91 23 Mutant foot Nike
91 24 The Love Story Smooth E
Music Video
91 25 Tribulations LCD Soundsystem
91 26 Venetian Snares Szamar Madar
91 27 Do The Whirlwind Architecture in Helsinki
91 28 Only Nine Inch Nails
Feature Country
91 29 Message In A Bottle Tereza Maxova Foundation for Abandoned Kids
91 30 Day After
91 31 Heads off T-Mobile
91 32 Magnetic Tariffs Eurotel
91 33 Blinking Lights Super 8 Film Festival
91 34 The Hands Zentiva
91 35 Kid Toyota Avensis
91 36 Street Lamp Toyota Corolla
91 37 Fake Artists Galeria Sztuki Program
91 38 Infected Heyah
91 39 Light Bulb, Ballet Needs Boys Hungarian Dance Academy
Feature Country 2
91 40 Lemon 77 Kirin
91 41 Jack Nicolson Bloodthirsty Butchers
91 42 Grind Out Art Design Hello Kitty Exhibition
91 43 W+K Tokyo Lab/Hifana
91 44 Wamono W+K Tokyo Lab/Hifana
91 45 Sleeper's Rag
91 46 French Conversation NHK/6nin
91 47 Smoke Stack Mom TU-KA Phone Kansai Inc
91 48 Under The Sun Rip Slyme
91 49 Multiplying Toyota
91 50 Rolling Yoshida Sony Computer Entertainment Inc
91 51 Won't You Like To Know More? Goo
91 52 Search to Discover Goo
91 53 Galaxy Rip Slyme
91 54 Kachi-Kachi Asarato Punch Space Shower TV
91 55 Kundalini Ta So 07 Panasonic CQ
91 56 The Noodle Joint Shop 33
91 57 Beard McDonald's
91 58 Achilles Kadokawa Shoten Publishing
91 59 Interviewing Under A Car Maruha Pet Food
91 60 Yodel Byakuya Shobo
91 61 Artificial Respiration Meiji Seika Kaisha
91 62 Fuji-Q Amusement Park: Fujiyama Fuji-Q Amusement Park: Fujiyama
91 63 Business J-Power
91 64 Right Place
New Dir
91 65 Ecosystems Honda Civic
91 66 Shock Carrefour
91 67 Space Shuttle bliss@tel
91 68 Why? Urban Concepts/Soul Deep UK
Feature Country 2
91 69 Fathers And Sons Directv
New Dir
91 69 Fathers And Sons Directv
91 70 Sea Change Arts Council England
91 71 The Boxer The Chemical Brothers
91 72 Rain VW Golf GTI
91 73 Search Sony Ericsson
91 74 Music Brings Us Together BBC Radio 1
91 75 The Holes Are Coming To Get Me Diesel Dreams
91 76 Making of VW Golf Rain
91 77 Drop Do It Again Cornelius
91 78 Tone Twilight Zone Cornelius
91 79 Ekot Sketch Show
91 80 Mars Sketch Show
91 81 Akero Hifana
91 82 Twenty Four Hour Clock 24
91 83 Bed Merry Tower Records
91 84 Dressing Room NTV
91 85 Untitled Panasonic
91 86 Bangzai Cooking W+K Tokyo Lab/Hifana
91 89 Jane Lloyd
91 90 Zan Shots 91 Ident

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