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SILKYPIX Developer Studio v3.0.16 1-TE 英文正式版(圖片處理)


SILKYPIX Developer Studio v3.0.16 1 英文正式版(圖圖像處理軟體)




SILKYPIX Developer Studio 由日本ICHIKAWA SOFT開發的圖像處理軟體, 特別擅長色彩處
理與矯正, 可直接對Raw格式檔進行編輯

Nowadays consumer digital cameras are very popular because of
their ease of use. Unfortunately, consumer digital compact
cameras have limited functionality that reduce the quality of the
image and therefore produce inferior results. These shortcomings
could be: unnatural jagged edges, unnatural colours, over
saturation, over sharpening, pixilation and excessive colour
noise from high ISO photos.

In order to achieve better quality images, RAW photography has
become increasingly popular over the last couple of years. Many
enthusiastic (semi) professional photographers are demanding the
best quality from their cherished images. As a consequence,
photographing in RAW format bypasses standard factory camera
settings and enables you to creatively explore the full potential
of your camera.

Digital SLR cameras and high-end compact cameras offer the
possibility to use RAW image formats, which is the native data
received directly from the sensor. The SLR camera is a Single
Lens Reflex camera. For further explanation, open document link
located to the left at the beginning of the article entitled,
"SLR camera." Regular Consumer digital compact cameras tend not
give the user access to the RAW data, as this is normally
processed within the digital camera to produce an image in the
more readily accessible format of JPG.

By using RAW images you are not just a “happy snapper” that is
satisfied with stock JPG finished pictures, but rather an
enthusiast that wishes to process and adjust images on a computer
with greater processing power than a regular digital camera. This
offers you the benefits of greater image flexibility and
creativity, leading towards better results. JPEG, which is
commonly used, compresses data using the sensitivity
characteristics of the human eye. Therefore, it compresses image
data into a small file size while still maintaining a pleasing
image. However, image quality is significantly degraded due to
the nature of the compression process.

SILKYPIX is a RAW converter software that lets you solve all
these problems and opens a whole new world of digital
photography for the enthusiast to explore. SILKYPIX Developer
Studio 3.0 is an all-round RAW converter with feature rich
functionalities that produces the best results for your cherished
images. With top notch adjustment parameters in an intuitive user
interface you can enhance your own pictures with silky smooth

SILKYPIX is specifically developed for enthusiastic photographers
and professional users. The software offers a professional colour
management engine, including ICC profiles along side
comprehensive development functions such as white balancing,
contrast, sharpness, saturation, lens correction, image
perspective and trimming (cropping), outputting and printing. The
extended Adobe RGB colourspace is also supported.

10 Advantages of RAW images with SILKYPIX?

‧ 1) Control white balance
‧ 2) Increase dynamic range while working with higher bit depth
‧ 3) Better exposure control
‧ 4) Tackle noise problems at source
‧ 5) Improve sharpening at source
‧ 6) Optimise output file size
‧ 7) Unlimited image modifications at source
‧ 8) Greater image flexibility
‧ 9) Higher quality outputs
‧ 10) Fast workflow

The program supports over 120 cameras and works under both
Windows (including Vista) & Macintosh (including Universal
Binary) platforms.

SILKYPIX can read the RAW format from almost all digital SLR
cameras on the market, and also works with JPG’s & TIFF’s from
any other source.

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