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商品描述 Learning FileMaker Pro.7 視頻教學光碟 (2片裝)

軟體簡介: Learning FileMaker Pro.7 視頻教學光碟 (2片裝) 出的英文Learning.FileMaker.Pro.7教學光碟,包括7.5小時的視頻教學和示範檔。

教學由淺入深對Filemaker pro 7進行了講解。總共播放時間約7.5小時,價值約50美元。,
(ps 發現不能發圖,faint, 偶都7個精華資源了,居然還不能發,截圖傳不了了。)



2004-06-13 01:33 00.Introduction
2004-06-13 01:33 01.Intro to FileMaker
2004-06-13 01:33 02.Modes
2004-06-13 01:33 03.Fields
2004-06-13 01:33 04.Tables
2004-06-13 01:32 05.Toolbars
2004-06-13 01:32 06.Relationships
2004-06-13 01:32 07.Layouts
2004-06-13 01:33 08.Portals-Windows-Record Locking
2004-06-13 01:24 1,235 autorun.apm
2004-06-13 01:25 1,101,824 autorun.exe
2004-06-13 01:25 29 autorun.inf
2004-06-13 01:30 DATA
2004-06-13 01:33 MAC Exercise
2004-06-13 01:33 PC Exercise
3 個文件 1,103,088 位元組
12 個目錄 0 可用位元組


2004-06-13 01:34 09.Valuelists
2004-06-13 01:34 10.Calculation and Summary Fields
2004-06-13 01:34 11.Finding and Sorting
2004-06-13 01:34 12.Reports
2004-06-13 01:34 13.Scripting
2004-06-13 01:34 14.Security Accounts and Privileges
2004-06-13 01:34 15.Building Systems
2004-06-13 01:34 16.Conclusion
2004-06-13 01:27 1,197 autorun.apm
2004-06-13 01:27 1,101,824 autorun.exe
2004-06-13 01:27 29 autorun.inf
2004-06-13 01:30 DATA
2004-06-13 01:34 PC Exercise
3 個文件 1,103,050 位元組
10 個目錄 0 可用位元組

::welcome 0:30 (4.1 MB)

1. Intro to FileMaker
::the history of FileMaker 0:46 (0.9 MB)
::flat vs. relational 6:43 (6 MB)
::example: flat vs. relational 8:27 (9.7 MB)
::context and perspective 6:39 (7.8 MB)
::general preferences 3:44 (4.8 MB)

2. Modes
::browse mode 15:09 (16.3 MB)
::layout mode 2:18 (4 MB)
::find mode 2:28 (2.8 MB)
::preview mode 2:57 (6.1 MB)

3. Fields
::field types 8:47 (9.6 MB)
::auto-entry options 12:19 (17.4 MB)
::field validations 7:38 (10.6 MB)
::validation part 2 4:19 (6.2 MB)
::field storage 7:14 (12.2 MB)

4. Tables
::creating tables 6:28 (7.8 MB)
::tables vs. table occurrences 4:06 (7.3 MB)
::ramifications of deleting tables 12:03 (19.8 MB)

5. Toolbars
::standard toolbar 2:51 (3.7 MB)
::text formatting toolbar 1:16 (1.9 MB)
::arrange toolbar 2:24 (5.1 MB)
::tools toolbar 1:42 (4.4 MB)

6. Relationships
::create, edit and delete 15:39 (21.1 MB)
::making use of relationships 10:26 (17.3 MB)
::understanding relationships 9:39 (16.2 MB)
::sorting relationships 3:04 (5.2 MB)

7. Layouts
::creating layouts 7:23 (11.5 MB)
::exploring layout tools 11:20 (20 MB)
::layout preferences 5:08 (7.7 MB)
::arrange layout objects 2:36 (3.6 MB)
::group layout objects 2:36 (3.4 MB)
::lock layout objects 2:42 (3.7 MB)
::rotating layout objects 2:21 (3.4 MB)
::alignment and the grid 5:00 (10.8 MB)
::text formatting 6:11 (11.4 MB)
::tab settings 2:06 (1.9 MB)
::inserting objects 11:06 (22.5 MB)
::formatting graphics 4:53 (8 MB)
::formatting objects 8:24 (16.5 MB)
::formatting fields 5:41 (7.4 MB)
::formatting behaviors 4:33 (9.3 MB)
::field borders 3:58 (7.1 MB)
::alignment using t-squares 1:19 (2.8 MB)
::rulers and page margins 2:12 (4.7 MB)
::revealing layout objects 2:55 (4.1 MB)

8. Portals, Windows, and Record Locking
::creating portals 9:54 (17.1 MB)
::adding data to portals 7:34 (12.7 MB)
::creating new windows 3:11 (5.1 MB)
::record locking 5:21 (6.9 MB)
::save record changes 1:03 (1.7 MB)

9. Valuelists
::creating value lists 2:24 (4.1 MB)
::creating value lists from fields 2:45 (4.4 MB)
::creating value lists from related fields 6:10 (11.1 MB)
::using value lists from other fields 3:11 (6.9 MB)

10. Calculation and Summary Fields
::understanding context 2:16 (3.2 MB)
::creating calculations using context 9:28 (14.4 MB)
::the power of the relationships graph 2:51 (4.8 MB)
::exploring the calculation dialog 8:21 (11.7 MB)
::creating and using summary fields 15:30 (29.9 MB)

11. Finding and Sorting
::using find mode 3:28 (4.6 MB)
::finding a phrase 0:57 (1.5 MB)
::finding with an unknown character 0:34 (0.9 MB)
::finding with unknown characters 0:29 (0.8 MB)
::using escape characters 0:45 (1.1 MB)
::finding with values 2:32 (4.1 MB)
::using constrain 2:33 (3.6 MB)
::using extend 1:40 (1.9 MB)
::confusing results 4:02 (5.6 MB)
::sorting with one criterion 3:35 (5.4 MB)
::sorting with related fields 2:47 (6.1 MB)
::sorting using buttons 2:47 (6.3 MB)

12. Reports
::building sub-summary reports 14:35 (33.4 MB)
::context for sub-summary reports 3:32 (5.6 MB)
::layout parts and sub-summary reports 13:19 (30.4 MB)
::page breaks and sub-summary parts 3:39 (8.4 MB)

13. Scripting
::exploring ScriptMaker 5:20 (8.6 MB)
::hello world - your first script 2:11 (5.1 MB)
::writing scripts to view reports 4:09 (9.9 MB)
::tweaking scripts to get them just right 3:35 (6.2 MB)
::attaching scripts to your buttons 2:46 (6.4 MB)
::context - very important 3:48 (6.1 MB)

14. Security: Accounts and Privileges
::security model overview 2:33 (2.9 MB)
::file options 1:39 (1.8 MB)
::creating accounts 5:11 (6 MB)
::creating a re-login script 13:28 (26.1 MB)
::managing accounts 1:26 (1.6 MB)

15. Building Systems
::plan on paper first 3:18 (4.5 MB)
::understanding the problem 2:13 (2.6 MB)
::does the model answer your questions 1:40 (2.1 MB)
::prototyping and testing ideas 1:51 (2.5 MB)
::iterative process 1:37 (1.9 MB)
::converting older files 4:17 (9 MB)
::structure / interface / security 3:02 (5 MB)

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