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商品編號:TIC0510-4 碟片數量:4片 銷售價格:800 瀏覽次數:34708 【轉載TXT文檔】 |
DVD29273--數據分析師八大能力培養 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
TIC3081--SQL語法查詢入門 PDF電子書 繁體中文版
TIC3080--SQL達人的工作現場攻略筆記 PDF電子書 一本告訴您如何正確編寫與思考SQL的書籍 繁體中文版
DVD27695--72節課:跟李銳學Excel 從入門到精通 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27696--Docker與微服務實戰 2022版 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
Digital Tutors Female Anoroid Modeling 英文教學光碟正式版 (4CD)
Digital Tutors Female Anoroid Modeling 英文教學光碟正式版 (4CD)
1. Introduction 2. Setting Up a Project
3. Building the Foot / Boot 4. Converting the Foot to Sub-D’s
5. Creating the Ankle Joints 6. Adding Final Tweaks to the Boot
7. Building Lower legs 8. Building the Upper Legs
9. Adding the Knee and Hip Joints 10.Building the Forearms
11.Building the Upper Arms 12.Building the Elbow Joints
13.Building the Hand 14.Refining the Shape of the Hand
15.Building a Finger and the Wrist 16.Building the Rest of the Fingers
17.Building the Breast for the Torso 18.Building the Rough Shape for the Torso
19.Splitting and Refining the Torso 20.Mirroring the Torso
21.Building the Lower Torso 22.Building the Face Profile
23.Building the Nose and Eye Sockets 24.Refining the Shape of the Eye Sockets
25.Assembling Other Sections of the Face 26.Creating the Brows and the Nostrils
27.Building the Other Half of the Face
and Fixing the Seams 28.Finishing the Faceplate
29.Building the Main Heat Sink 30.Building the Smaller Heat Sinks
31.Building the Neck 32.Building the Neck Joints
33.Building the Connecting Pieces for
the Neck Joints 34.Cleaning Up the Scenes
35.Assembling the Body Parts 36.Building the Shoulder and Hip Joints
37.Creating a Shader and Assigning Materials
38.Converting Some Body Parts to Polygons 39.Lighting and Rendering
40.Finalizing the Lighting and Rendering 41.Bonus Lesson: Using Shading Networks
Digital Tutors Female Anoroid Modeling 英文教學光碟正式版 (4CD)
1. Introduction 2. Setting Up a Project
3. Building the Foot / Boot 4. Converting the Foot to Sub-D’s
5. Creating the Ankle Joints 6. Adding Final Tweaks to the Boot
7. Building Lower legs 8. Building the Upper Legs
9. Adding the Knee and Hip Joints 10.Building the Forearms
11.Building the Upper Arms 12.Building the Elbow Joints
13.Building the Hand 14.Refining the Shape of the Hand
15.Building a Finger and the Wrist 16.Building the Rest of the Fingers
17.Building the Breast for the Torso 18.Building the Rough Shape for the Torso
19.Splitting and Refining the Torso 20.Mirroring the Torso
21.Building the Lower Torso 22.Building the Face Profile
23.Building the Nose and Eye Sockets 24.Refining the Shape of the Eye Sockets
25.Assembling Other Sections of the Face 26.Creating the Brows and the Nostrils
27.Building the Other Half of the Face
and Fixing the Seams 28.Finishing the Faceplate
29.Building the Main Heat Sink 30.Building the Smaller Heat Sinks
31.Building the Neck 32.Building the Neck Joints
33.Building the Connecting Pieces for
the Neck Joints 34.Cleaning Up the Scenes
35.Assembling the Body Parts 36.Building the Shoulder and Hip Joints
37.Creating a Shader and Assigning Materials
38.Converting Some Body Parts to Polygons 39.Lighting and Rendering
40.Finalizing the Lighting and Rendering 41.Bonus Lesson: Using Shading Networks