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商品編號:TIC1999 碟片數量:1片 銷售價格:80 瀏覽次數:35224 【轉載TXT文檔】 |
TIC3086--新多益滿分講師授課:全新制NEW TOEIC多益閱讀高分關鍵+狠準擬真試題+解析 繁體中文教學版
DVD29802--Udemy - Blender Essential From Beginner to 3D Masterclass (B3D基礎教學) 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVDP4341--Unreal Engine 5 The Complete Automotive Cinematic Course (UE5 電影感車輛製作教學) 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)
DVDP4340--哈佛心理學家劉軒線上課程 繁體中文發音中文配音版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)
DVDP4282--Python機器學習 10天學會Sklearn機器學習建模 中文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)
VTC COM ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS5 英文正式版(Photoshop CS5視頻教學 從入門到精通)
VTC COM ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS5 英文正式版(Photoshop CS5視頻教學 從入門到精通)
VTC出品的Adobe Photoshop CS5 Tutorials 最新視頻教學. 資深講師、藝術家、
設計師Geoff Blake將會帶領大家全面學習Photoshop CS5. 由淺入深,從基本的軟
體介面、檔類型、多圖像處理 到選擇工具使用、圖層、色彩修正、特效、圖像修
整個教學循序漸進. 從最基礎的操作到高級特效處理 . 讓你輕鬆地全面掌握Photoshop CS5 .
這個老師講課感覺比較有激情. 抑揚頓挫. 多達95個小節. 講解也很細緻.
教學時長:7.5小時 共95個小節.
主講: Geoff Blake
Course Description:
Delve head-long into the world of Photoshop with expert trainer, artist,
and designer Geoff Blake! Gain a foothold and get comfortable using Photoshop’s
interface, working with multiple images, and handling various file formats.
Master the fundamentals of resolution, resizing, and resampling, then explore
layers, selections, and masking. Finally, take your skills further by learning
about color correction, special effects, and photo retouching. Packed with tricks,
techniques, and hands-on tasks, you are sure to enjoy this easy, non-jargonny
approach to Photoshop.
Work files are included.
VTC COM ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS5 英文正式版(Photoshop CS5視頻教學 從入門到精通)
VTC出品的Adobe Photoshop CS5 Tutorials 最新視頻教學. 資深講師、藝術家、
設計師Geoff Blake將會帶領大家全面學習Photoshop CS5. 由淺入深,從基本的軟
體介面、檔類型、多圖像處理 到選擇工具使用、圖層、色彩修正、特效、圖像修
整個教學循序漸進. 從最基礎的操作到高級特效處理 . 讓你輕鬆地全面掌握Photoshop CS5 .
這個老師講課感覺比較有激情. 抑揚頓挫. 多達95個小節. 講解也很細緻.
教學時長:7.5小時 共95個小節.
主講: Geoff Blake
Course Description:
Delve head-long into the world of Photoshop with expert trainer, artist,
and designer Geoff Blake! Gain a foothold and get comfortable using Photoshop’s
interface, working with multiple images, and handling various file formats.
Master the fundamentals of resolution, resizing, and resampling, then explore
layers, selections, and masking. Finally, take your skills further by learning
about color correction, special effects, and photo retouching. Packed with tricks,
techniques, and hands-on tasks, you are sure to enjoy this easy, non-jargonny
approach to Photoshop.
Work files are included.