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商品編號:TIC2122 碟片數量:1片 銷售價格:200 瀏覽次數:34771 【轉載TXT文檔】 |
DVDP4126--王力宏線上唱歌教學 繁體中文教學版(1DVD9+1DVD 此片售價380元)
DVD29273--數據分析師八大能力培養 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
TIC3081--SQL語法查詢入門 PDF電子書 繁體中文版
TIC3080--SQL達人的工作現場攻略筆記 PDF電子書 一本告訴您如何正確編寫與思考SQL的書籍 繁體中文版
DVD27695--72節課:跟李銳學Excel 從入門到精通 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
Digital Tutors Maya to MotionBuilder Integration (Maya與MotionBuilder的整合運用教學) 英文正式版
Digital Tutors 出品的時長55分鐘視頻教學:Maya與MotionBuilder的整合運用
In this course, we will learn a Maya to MotionBuilder workflow. We'll start
by learning how to clean up and optimize a motion captured-driven skeleton
inside of Maya. We'll then learn how to Characterize the skeleton for
retargeting within MotionBuilder. Afterwards, we'll explore the inter-
operability between MotionBuilder and Maya and discuss how to work with
their new Send To feature for transporting files back and forth between
the two applications in a fraction of the time. We'll learn the retargeting
process in MotionBuilder and also learn how to work with its Control Rig
and Animation Layering systems to finesse performances. Finally, we'll send
the animation back to Maya to finalize our scene. By the end of this series
of lessons, you'll learn how to use the tools in both Maya and MotionBuilder
to polish, enhance, and retarget your character animations in half the time
it would normally take.
Digital Tutors 出品的時長55分鐘視頻教學:Maya與MotionBuilder的整合運用
In this course, we will learn a Maya to MotionBuilder workflow. We'll start
by learning how to clean up and optimize a motion captured-driven skeleton
inside of Maya. We'll then learn how to Characterize the skeleton for
retargeting within MotionBuilder. Afterwards, we'll explore the inter-
operability between MotionBuilder and Maya and discuss how to work with
their new Send To feature for transporting files back and forth between
the two applications in a fraction of the time. We'll learn the retargeting
process in MotionBuilder and also learn how to work with its Control Rig
and Animation Layering systems to finesse performances. Finally, we'll send
the animation back to Maya to finalize our scene. By the end of this series
of lessons, you'll learn how to use the tools in both Maya and MotionBuilder
to polish, enhance, and retarget your character animations in half the time
it would normally take.