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DVDP4356--The Gnomon Workshop - Designing Spaceships for Games 遊戲太空船概念設計教學 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)
DVD29830--The Gnomon Workshop - The Art of Visual Storytelling 視覺故事概念設計教學 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
TIC3086--新多益滿分講師授課:全新制NEW TOEIC多益閱讀高分關鍵+狠準擬真試題+解析 繁體中文教學版
DVD29802--Udemy - Blender Essential From Beginner to 3D Masterclass (B3D基礎教學) 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVDP4341--Unreal Engine 5 The Complete Automotive Cinematic Course (UE5 電影感車輛製作教學) 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)
Lynda com EDIUS 6.5 New Features Workshop 視頻教學 英文正式版
Debug your PHP code efficiently with a variety of client and server-side tools.
In this concise course for experienced PHP developers, author Jon Peck
demonstrates how to leverage PHP's built-in tools, as well as the Xdebug
and Firebug extensions, and FirePHP libraries to improve the quality of
your code and reduce troubleshooting overhead.
This course covers installation of Xdebug on Apache as well as working
with the NetBeans IDE (integrated development environment). Jon then
introduces native web browser developer tools for Firefox and Chrome,
and demonstrates browser independent web debugging tools. Best
practices for debugging and profiling web application failures and
performance issues are also covered.
Topics include:
Configuring PHP error reporting
Logging errors to file
Gracefully handling fatal errors
Installing Xdebug
Understanding the principles of remote debugging
Remote debugging with NetBeans
Extending your browser with Firebug, FirePHP, or ChromePHP
Debug your PHP code efficiently with a variety of client and server-side tools.
In this concise course for experienced PHP developers, author Jon Peck
demonstrates how to leverage PHP's built-in tools, as well as the Xdebug
and Firebug extensions, and FirePHP libraries to improve the quality of
your code and reduce troubleshooting overhead.
This course covers installation of Xdebug on Apache as well as working
with the NetBeans IDE (integrated development environment). Jon then
introduces native web browser developer tools for Firefox and Chrome,
and demonstrates browser independent web debugging tools. Best
practices for debugging and profiling web application failures and
performance issues are also covered.
Topics include:
Configuring PHP error reporting
Logging errors to file
Gracefully handling fatal errors
Installing Xdebug
Understanding the principles of remote debugging
Remote debugging with NetBeans
Extending your browser with Firebug, FirePHP, or ChromePHP