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DVD27695--72節課:跟李銳學Excel 從入門到精通 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27696--Docker與微服務實戰 2022版 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27697--零基礎玩轉Linux+Ubuntu實戰視頻課程 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27221--15堂占星入門全攻略:探秘占星師 開啟有錢有趣又有閒的迷人職業 MP4格式 中文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVD27262--SketchUP Advanced Architecture 2022 (SketchUp技巧教學) 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
Modo 是一款專業的三維繪圖軟體,在建模和紋理材質製作方面有著突出的表現,由
luxology 公司開發維護,Modo 是一款相當獨特的三維軟體,它與 ZBrush 的出現無
疑是給 CG 行業帶來了幾乎革命性的改變,全新的製作方法簡便而有效。
Introduction To Modeling In Modo 是由 Digital-Tutors 公司出品的 Modo 建模教
學,包含5個多小時的逐項教學,適合各級別 Modo 藝術家學習。學習以汽車建模和眾
In this MODO tutorial we'll use a project-based approach as we cover the basics
of modeling, look at commonly used tools, and talk about some time-saving tips
and techniques in MODO.
We'll begin by looking at polygon and subdivision geometry and how MODO works
with that geometry. We'll take a look at a variety of modeling tools you can
use in your daily work. We'll split edges with Loop Slice and Add Loop. We'll
learn to Bevel and Extrude. And we'll learn to use Action Centers and
Falloffs to change how our tools affect the geometry. We'll also talk about
subdivision surfaces and how they can be used to create very smooth models with
edges that have been hardened through edge weighting or actual geometry.
We won't be covering all of MODO's many modeling tools, but rather focus on
the tools that you're going to find most useful as you begin the modeling
process. Once you have a better understanding of how these tools work together,
you'll be able to create your own modeling solutions and really come up with
a workflow that's comfortable to you. With that, let's get started by taking
a look at polygons.
Modo 是一款專業的三維繪圖軟體,在建模和紋理材質製作方面有著突出的表現,由
luxology 公司開發維護,Modo 是一款相當獨特的三維軟體,它與 ZBrush 的出現無
疑是給 CG 行業帶來了幾乎革命性的改變,全新的製作方法簡便而有效。
Introduction To Modeling In Modo 是由 Digital-Tutors 公司出品的 Modo 建模教
學,包含5個多小時的逐項教學,適合各級別 Modo 藝術家學習。學習以汽車建模和眾
In this MODO tutorial we'll use a project-based approach as we cover the basics
of modeling, look at commonly used tools, and talk about some time-saving tips
and techniques in MODO.
We'll begin by looking at polygon and subdivision geometry and how MODO works
with that geometry. We'll take a look at a variety of modeling tools you can
use in your daily work. We'll split edges with Loop Slice and Add Loop. We'll
learn to Bevel and Extrude. And we'll learn to use Action Centers and
Falloffs to change how our tools affect the geometry. We'll also talk about
subdivision surfaces and how they can be used to create very smooth models with
edges that have been hardened through edge weighting or actual geometry.
We won't be covering all of MODO's many modeling tools, but rather focus on
the tools that you're going to find most useful as you begin the modeling
process. Once you have a better understanding of how these tools work together,
you'll be able to create your own modeling solutions and really come up with
a workflow that's comfortable to you. With that, let's get started by taking
a look at polygons.