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商品編號:TIC2670 碟片數量:1片 銷售價格:200 瀏覽次數:34711 【轉載TXT文檔】 |
DVDP4356--The Gnomon Workshop - Designing Spaceships for Games 遊戲太空船概念設計教學 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)
DVD29830--The Gnomon Workshop - The Art of Visual Storytelling 視覺故事概念設計教學 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
TIC3086--新多益滿分講師授課:全新制NEW TOEIC多益閱讀高分關鍵+狠準擬真試題+解析 繁體中文教學版
DVD29802--Udemy - Blender Essential From Beginner to 3D Masterclass (B3D基礎教學) 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
DVDP4341--Unreal Engine 5 The Complete Automotive Cinematic Course (UE5 電影感車輛製作教學) 英文教學版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)
A coding professional needs professional tools, and while you can write PHP
with a regular text editor, a specialized editor or IDE will make the job
easier and your code more accurate. In this course, programming expert Joseph
Lowery takes you on a survey of the most popular all-purpose and PHP-specific
editors. Learn what features are absolutely required from any good editor;
explore options that can boost your productivity, like snippets and database
integration; and then take a look at tools that work with multiple
technologies (such as Aptana Studio or Sublime Text) and those more directly
targeted at PHP (like Eclipse or PhpStorm). This course is vital to anyone
starting on the path to PHP programming, as well as developers seeking to
ramp up their efficiency.
A coding professional needs professional tools, and while you can write PHP
with a regular text editor, a specialized editor or IDE will make the job
easier and your code more accurate. In this course, programming expert Joseph
Lowery takes you on a survey of the most popular all-purpose and PHP-specific
editors. Learn what features are absolutely required from any good editor;
explore options that can boost your productivity, like snippets and database
integration; and then take a look at tools that work with multiple
technologies (such as Aptana Studio or Sublime Text) and those more directly
targeted at PHP (like Eclipse or PhpStorm). This course is vital to anyone
starting on the path to PHP programming, as well as developers seeking to
ramp up their efficiency.