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PacktPub com Getting started with Apache Solr Search Server 視頻教學 英文教學版

* New! Packt Video courses: practical screencast-based tutorials that show
you how to get the job done. Bite sized chunks, hands on instructions, and
powerful results.
* Teaches you everything you need to know to get started with Apache Solr
such as indexing, querying, configuration, and implementation
* Learn how to define a search architecture specific to your business needs
* Includes walk-throughs on the Solr admin interface.
* Contains a practical tutorial for integrating Solr search into a new
system with an open-source web application
* Presented in a hands-on, interactive style from a professional with
several years of experience in search and natural language processing.

What you will learn from this video course
* Configure your Solr instance for your business needs
* Index data from either a database import or XML file
* Query data using both Lucene query syntax as well as the Dismax family
of parsers
* Integrate Solr into a system using an easy-to-follow, easy-to-implement
web application in Django
* Use spell suggest to make your search robust
* Use the MoreLikeThis request handler to deliver similar documents to an
interested user
* Formulate schema by considering each aspect of the data already in a
database, and then craft a field for

Who this video course is for
This course is intended for a mid- to senior-level engineer or a
technology decision-maker evaluating the strengths of Apache Solr for
implementation in their own ecosystem. The course expects some experience
working with web APIs, and a degree of end-to-end LAMP stack experience.

In Detail
Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source enterprise search platform
from the Apache Lucene project. Solr is highly scalable, providing
distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and
navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites. This
course will impart to you the level of understanding required to properly
configure, implement, and maintain Apache Solr for an enterprise-level
Getting started with Apache Solr Search Server shows you how to implement
the world leading open-source search solution with advice from an expert
in the field. You will discover Solr many hidden features via
interactive learning and configure your own Solr instance according to
your business needs. This course can be followed along at home with an
open-source web application you can download and run. Make search
interactive and proactive with faceting, match highlighting,
spell-checking, and result grouping.
Getting started with Apache Solr Search Server uses a combination of walk
throughs and interactive exercises to impart end-to-end understanding of
Solr role in a web application ecosystem.
You will first learn how to install Solr on your machine, configure it
according to the data structures you need to search over, and integrate it
into your application. This video course shows the viewer how to use,
activate, and configure Solr many features. To keep the course
interactive, an open-source example is included with detail on how to
integrate Solr into an application, ranging from simple querying to
advanced grouping and faceting.
Enterprise Search for Apache Solr empowers you to become your
organization search guru with expertise in search.

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