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PacktPub com JBoss EAP Configuration Deployment and Administration 視頻教學 英文教學版

* New! Packt Video courses: practical screencast-based tutorials that show
you how to get the job done. Bite sized chunks, hands on instructions, and
powerful results.
* Learn about everything from installation, configuration, and debugging
to securing Java EE applications . ideal for JBoss application developers
* In-depth explanations of JBoss EAP features, and diagrams to help
explain JBoss and Java internals
* Covers everything from JBoss EAP essentials to more advanced topics
through easy-to-understand practical demonstrations

What you will learn from this video course
* Manage multiple servers centrally in domain mode.
* Utilize the database and messaging features of JBoss. Harness the power
of the application server to manage database connections, and connect to
other services with JMS Messaging.
* Create a farm of JBoss nodes that distribute loads amongst many Java
Virtual Machines. Be ready for Java Virtual Machine failures, with High
* Finely control the classloading hierarchy to provide exactly the right
libraries to your application, and hide those that are not needed.
* Increase the performance of asynchronous code, by calling asynchronous
libraries and code using the async servlet.
* Secure the server, with encrypted HTTP connections, encrypted passwords,
and hidden management consoles.
* Test application features quickly during development using Arquillian
and unit tests
* Master application server logging configuration to get exactly the right
information about what's happening inside JBoss EAP

Who this video course is for
JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration is ideal for
system administrators and Java application developers. System
administrators should have a basic knowledge of Java, but don't require
in-depth knowledge about Java development or Java Enterprise Edition. Java
Application developers should be familiar with Linux, but not necessarily
familiar with previous versions of JBoss.
Some exposure to other JEE containers would be useful, but not essential.

In Detail
As the Java EE standard has evolved and matured, the API has become
increasingly rich and complex. The next generation of application servers
needs to be modular and configurable to run only specific services or
containers. JBoss EAP promises to meet those requirements but the
configuration of a complex application server is composed of a mix of
administrative and management tasks which often overlap, generating
JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration will teach you
everything you need to know in a hands-on, interactive way. You'll follow
step-by-step instructions that walk you through the key features of JBoss.
Beyond that we will dive deep into the inner workings of Java, which will
help you troubleshoot problems quickly and easily. Learn about the most
popular ways to configure JBoss and ensure maximum uptime and scalability
for your applications. Take a tour of the most popular Java Enterprise
features, beginning with databases and JMS, and rounding off at logging.
Along the way, we'll dive into troubleshooting common problems such as out
of memory errors and performance optimization.
JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration will highlight the
differences between standalone and domain mode, explaining why you would
use domain mode and how it differs from the traditional standalone
approach. We'll dive into configuring databases and message queues and
also show you how to integrate them into your application when running on
We continue our journey with setting up HTTP request load balancing, and
setting up a cluster of highly available JBoss nodes, while demonstrating
how easy it is to finely manage classloading dependencies for your
applications. We cover some extra performance features and new security
features such as the Vault, which you can use to encrypt plain-text
passwords in configuration files. We talk about some development features
new with JBoss EAP, such as Arquillian, a test harness for testing CDI and
EJB beans without a full blown startup/shutdown container cycle. Lastly,
we'll talk in depth about JBoss logging, how to use the logging framework
provided by the container or roll your own logging in your application.
JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration will quickly turn
you into a well-rounded JBoss administrator. We'll focus on key features
of the JBoss Application Server that will make you a power user, quickly
and easily.

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