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M-Audio Drum and Bass Rig Key Rig v1.0.0 STANDALONE VSTi 音色取樣光碟正式版


M-Audio Drum and Bass Rig Key Rig v1.0.0 STANDALONE VSTi 音色取樣光碟正式版


請將光碟crack資料夾內M-Audio Drum and Bass Rig.dll檔及M-Audio Key Rig.dll檔


M-Audio的Drum & Bass Rig在一個虛擬機架上提供各色各樣的貝司和鼓的聲音。相容
大多數的Mac和PC平臺,Drum & Bass Rig整合了4個可以單獨或以插件方式使用的聲音

M-Audio's Drum & Bass Rig delivers a wide variety of bass and drum
sounds in a single virtual rack. Compatible with most Mac and PC
environments, Drum & Bass Rig incorporates four great sounding
modules that can be used in stand-alone or plug-in mode. The RD-5
Real Drums module serves up tons of sampled drum kits and percussion.
The EB-6 Electric Bass delivers authentic bass fingering, picking,
slapping and more. The LC-7 Loop Creator allows easy and flexible
creation and playback of sampled loops. And the BL-8 Bassline is
ideal for creating electronic music bass lines. The master MIDI/
Mixer section lets you route, split, layer and mix these four
powerful modules in whatever way best suits your performance and
recording needs. A master effects section even allows for adding a
common effect in addition to the individual effect section included
with each instrument.

Beat It

The RD-5 Real Drums module features a comprehensive library of drum
kits and individual drums in all styles, with control over tuning,
tone, decay, panorama and level. Each kit also has adjustable
overheads, room ambience and effects. All kits are GM-compatible and
contain an additional standard percussion set.

Put Your Finger On Great Bass

The EB-6 Electric Bass module produces the sounds of authentically
played electric bass guitars. This extensive collection includes a
large selection of finger, pick, slap and fretless sounds featuring
slides, dead notes and harmonics. The EB-6 also includes a built-in
bass amp emulation with drive and tone controls, as well as an
effects section for creative options. This electric bass collection
is even topped off by a virtual analog synth bass model.

Get Loopy

The LC-7 Loop Creator is one of the most efficient and creative
tools available for working with loops. Its pool of 250 source loops
can be freely combined and flexibly manipulated by options such as
slice-reordering, slice muting or group muting of ranges of slices.
The LC-7 Loop Creator is designed for people who want their own loops
but find it hard to create them from scratch. It also offers a vast
range of real-time controls for dynamic playing/arranging.

Keep 'Em Steppin'

The BL-8 Bassline module is a monophonic bass synthesizer combined
with a powerful arpeggiator/step sequencer. Synth controls are
straightforward and immediately accessible. An onscreen keyboard
provides a familiar step-entry interface pioneered on vintage gear
in this genre.

Key Rig from M-Audio covers all the basic needs for today's
keyboardist in a single virtual rack. Key Rig delivers four great
sounding modules that can be used in stand-alone or plug-in mode.
The SP-1 Stage Piano module serves up grand pianos, Wurlitzer,
classic electric pianos, FM, clavinet and more. The MS-2 Polyphonic
Synthesizer delivers a new, easy way to call up and edit great
synth sounds. The MB-3 Electromagnetic Organ emulates the classic
Hammond sound complete with rotary speaker. And the GM-4 General
MIDI Module is great for sequencing the rest of your backing tracks.
The master MIDI/Mixer section lets you route, split, layer and mix
these four powerful modules in whatever way best suits your
performance and recording needs. A master effects section even
allows for adding a common effect in addition to the individual
effect section included with each instrument.

It's All There In Black and White

The SP-1 Stage Piano module serves up grand pianos, Wurlitzer,
classic electric pianos, FM, clavinet and more. Each preset can
hold a combination of two instruments with individual settings
for Mix, Octave, Detune, Velocity and Tone. Owing to a dual
effects section, each preset also has its own effect settings
including delay, chorus, phaser and more.

Brave New Synth

The MS-2 Polyphonic Synthesizer delivers a new, easy way to call
up and edit great synth sounds. Each preset consists of sub-presets
for each major section: filter, amp, mod and FX. Creating new sounds
is as simple as combining these sub-presets in different ways and
tweaking any associated parameters from there as desired.

Get Organized

The MB-3 Electromagnetic Organ authentically emulates the classic
Hammond sound complete with rotary speaker. Standard features
include nine drawbars that are pre-mapped to M-Audio brand USB MIDI
controllers, percussion and variable key click, three chorus and
three vibrato settings. Rotary speaker emulation includes tube
overdrive, speed and tone controls to yield everything from glassy
jazz chords to smoking rock leads.

Bring In The Band

The GM-4 General MIDI Module delivers 128 GM instruments plus a
great GM drum kit. It instantly plays GM-compatible standard MIDI
files from host applications and provides an extremely easy way of
sequencing additional backing tracks.

Multiple Effects

These virtual instrument modules each feature their own dual
effects processors for delay, chorus, phaser and more. There
also a master effects section that further processes the
combined output of all modules.

Flexible Mixing and Assignment

You get an internal mixer and assignment controls that allow you
configure independent MIDI channels for each module. But that
not all?you can easily create splits and layers for things like
left-hand bass with right-hand drums and other performance

Use It Your Way

M-Audio's virtual racks let you use them as stand-alone instruments
or with most host sequencers. Lots of people, for example, are just
taking their keyboard and laptop to live performances. Compatibility
with AU, VST and RTAS also means that you can use it as sound
sources for your tracks in Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Ableton Live,
and, well, pretty much any popular music software.

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