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Loopmasters Circuit Bent Sounds Vol.3 音色素材 英文正式版


 'Circuit Bent Sounds Vol 3' takes a soldering iron to your favorite synths
(and childhood toys) once again to bring you over 650MB of beautifully warped
loops and sounds sure to inspire. This pack also includes a massive number of
playable patches for all the major soft samplers.

'Circuit Bent sounds Vol 3' ventures once more into the outer reaches of
experimental audio electronics to bring back another collection of twisted beats
and deformed audio sickness guaranteed to deliver a fresh bout of insanity to any
production. From a cut-price drum toy to the mighty Roland SH101, nothing is safe
from attentions, with every machine being treated with an
equally relaxed concern for its basic rights to bring you this unique set of sounds.

Stepping outside of normal methods of synthesis and audio production to unlock the
true potential of an otherwise ordinary Bit of hardware is the circuitbenders
technique, All the machines used on this release have been rewired and abused to
operate far beyond their normal design limits, enabling them to produce all those
sounds that the original designers either fought to avoid or just never dreamed

Detailed Contents:

'Circuit Bent Sounds Vol 3' includes over 650Mb of content, comprising of over 758
samples, 283 Loops and 475 Single Sounds, and comes with 22 ready to play patches
for all the most popular software samplers including Reason’s NN-XT, Halion, Kontakt,
EXS and SFZ . Acidised WAV, Rex2 and Apple Loop formats are all available. In total
you get 209 Drum Loops, 74 Sound Loops, and 22 Sounds and FX from a simply huge
collection of circuit bent toys, drum machines and instruments of all types.

The machines on this collection include old school drum machines given a new lease of
life in the form of the rare Akai XR10, the Yamaha RX7, Korg DDD1, Casio RZ1 sampling
drum machine, Boss DR550 and the legendary Roland TR707, along with a host of esoteric
electronic devices and toys supplying extra beats.

Modified keys and synths include the analogue Roland SH101, the MFOS weird sound
generator, Yamaha PSS270, Casio SA5, Rocktek Delay pedal and the favourite of every
lofi musician and circuit bender, the Casio SK1 sampler.

Finally theres a whole consignment of rewired kids toys including Early Leaner shapes
toy, Letterland toy, Bongon electronic bongos, VTech Talking Alfie teddy bear, Little
Tykes guitar, Mix Me DJ toy and the classic Texas Instruments Speak & Read and Speak &
Write toys amongst many others.

Since 2001 have been rewiring electronic toys, old drum
machines and synths for hundreds of artists worldwide including some of the biggest names
in electronic music.

Tech Specs:

‧ 758 Circuit Bent Samples
‧ 283 Loops
‧ 475 Hits
‧ Apple Loops version
‧ Acidised WAV, Rex2 Main Zip

‧ 22 Patches for Reason NN-XT, Halion, Kontakt, EXS, SFZ samples

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