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Lynda com Flash Professional CS5 英文正式版(Flash CS5 Pro功能教學視頻教學)(DVD一片裝)
Lynda com Flash Professional CS5 英文正式版(Flash CS5 Pro功能教學視頻教學)(DVD一片裝)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2010年5月最新版!


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Lynda com Flash Professional CS5 英文正式版(Flash CS5 Pro功能教學視頻教學)(DVD一片裝)


Lynda.com出品的Flash CS5 Pro功能教學視頻教學,MOV格式。講師Todd Perkins,教
學內容詳實,是學習Flash CS5的絕佳教材。這裏面用的是ActionScript 3.0,還在用2.0
Flash is a powerful multimedia creation tool that can be used to build simple
animations, full-featured applications, and everything in between. In Flash
CS5 Professional Essential Training, Todd Perkins offers new Flash users a
thorough explanation of the interface, tools, and techniques at the heart of
any project. He shows how to use the latest iteration of the Flash drawing
tools and timeline, work with text and symbols, and create tweens and other
simple animations. Todd also explores multimedia elements like bitmap graphics,
sound, and video. He shows how to use ActionScript 3.0 to add interactivity to
Flash projects, discusses integration with other Adobe applications, and more.
Exercise files accompany the course.
Table of contents
Welcome 1:33 9.3 MB
Using the example files 0:40 0.6 MB
1. Getting Started with Flash
Understanding what Flash can do 2:12 4.4 MB
Understanding bitmap and vector graphics 1:31 2 MB
Becoming familiar with the Flash interface 1:13 1.5 MB
Getting to know the Flash workflow 1:01 1.1 MB
Understanding Flash file types 1:15 1.2 MB
Creating and saving Flash files 2:25 3.4 MB
Customizing your workspace 2:19 3.4 MB
Customizing keyboard shortcuts 1:38 2.4 MB
Adjusting document properties 2:17 3.1 MB
2. Drawing in Flash
Understanding object and merge drawing 1:56 2.5 MB
Selecting and modifying shapes 2:03 2.9 MB
Using the Rectangle and Rectangle Primitive tools 2:57 3.8 MB
Using the Oval and Oval Primitive tools 2:06 1.9 MB
Using the PolyStar tool 1:06 1.5 MB
Drawing lines and fills 1:50 1.5 MB
Drawing fills 3:38 3.3 MB
Using the Pen tool 2:18 3 MB
Using the Free Transform tool 2:59 5.6 MB
Creating gradients 3:18 7.5 MB
Modifying gradients with the Gradient Transform tool 1:30 1.9 MB
Applying transparency to shapes 1:15 1.7 MB
Using the view tools 2:06 2.8 MB
Using the color tools 3:54 5.2 MB
Using the Eraser 2:22 3.1 MB
Using the Color panel 2:06 3.2 MB
Using the Swatches panel 2:38 4.1 MB
Using the Align panel 3:17 4.3 MB
3. Working with Text
Understanding text field types 1:15 1.4 MB
Creating static text fields 2:27 2.1 MB
Modifying text field properties 3:05 4.8 MB
Using dynamic and input text fields 2:43 4.5 MB
4. Working with Symbols
Understanding symbols and instances 0:47 0.9 MB
Creating symbols 2:36 4.2 MB
Editing symbols 2:40 4.3 MB
Editing symbol instances 2:27 4.8 MB
Organizing the Library 2:09 3.2 MB
5. Working with the Timeline
Understanding the Timeline 1:30 1.9 MB
Working with layers 2:52 3.6 MB
Organizing layers 2:44 4.5 MB
Creating masks 3:55 6.4 MB
Understanding different frame types 2:39 3.6 MB
Working with frames and keyframes 4:44 6.7 MB
Creating a frame-by-frame animation 2:43 4.1 MB
Using onion skinning 3:21 4.8 MB
Editing multiple frames 1:42 2.4 MB
Understanding symbol timelines 3:01 3.4 MB
Using the Art Deco tool 3:20 4.8 MB
6. Creating Shape Tweens
Understanding shape tweens 1:01 1.1 MB
Creating a shape tween 2:31 2.5 MB
Creating shape hints 1:53 2.7 MB
Tweening multiple shapes at once 1:40 3.2 MB
Adding easing to a shape tween 2:32 2.5 MB
Fixing tweens 1:51 3.1 MB
7. Creating Motion Tweens
Understanding motion tweens 1:24 1.5 MB
Creating a motion tween 2:42 4.4 MB
Modifying a motion path 2:47 4.8 MB
Using the motion editor to modify animation properties 4:15 8 MB
Using the motion editor to add easing 3:58 6.7 MB
Nesting animations within movie clips 5:01 8.9 MB
Using motion presets 3:38 6.4 MB
8. Working with Bones
Creating a bone system 2:02 3.5 MB
Animating a bone system 1:34 3 MB
9. Working with 3D Elements
Using the 3D translation tool 1:53 3.5 MB
Using the 3D rotation tool 2:19 4.4 MB
Animating 3D elements 3:20 6.1 MB
10. Filters and Blend Modes
Understanding filters 1:48 3.7 MB
Applying filters 3:19 5.3 MB
Animating filters 2:26 4.3 MB
Understanding blend modes 3:20 4.9 MB
Using blend modes 1:11 2 MB
11. Using Bitmap Graphics
Importing bitmaps 1:37 1.8 MB
Compressing bitmaps 3:35 6.9 MB
Using the Lasso tool 5:53 10.7 MB
Converting a bitmap to a vector graphic 3:28 6.4 MB
Importing a bitmap sequence 1:23 2.4 MB
Animating bitmaps 2:05 3.8 MB
12. Using Sound
Importing sounds 1:55 1.7 MB
Modifying sound properties 3:08 4.5 MB
Understanding different sound types 2:21 2.9 MB
Adding simple effects to a sound 1:59 2.8 MB
13. Using Video
Using the Adobe Media Encoder to encode video 3:22 4.9 MB
Playing video using the FLVPlayback component 4:11 5 MB
14. Introduction to ActionScript 3.0
What to expect from this chapter 0:42 0.9 MB
Understanding what ActionScript 3.0 is 0:55 1.1 MB
Working with movie clips 2:01 2.8 MB
Manipulating movie clips with ActionScript 4:20 5.8 MB
Creating button symbols 3:30 4.5 MB
Adding button interactivity 4:41 6.1 MB
Using Action Script to control the Timeline 2:53 3.9 MB
Navigating to frame labels 2:56 4.1 MB
15. Integration
Understanding XFL files 1:00 1.2 MB
Creating XFL and SWF files in InDesign 3:16 5.7 MB
Generating an XFL file from After Effects 3:18 3.5 MB
Soundbooth integration 2:18 2.4 MB
Photoshop integration 4:23 6.9 MB
Illustrator integration 2:40 3.3 MB
Dreamweaver integration 2:51 4.4 MB
16. Publishing and Exporting Flash Content
Understanding the Publish settings 4:49 6.4 MB
Publishing Flash with HTML 1:46 1.9 MB
Publishing to AIR 4:30 5.1 MB
Exporting images 2:32 4.1 MB
Exporting movies 3:23 4.7 MB
Goodbye 0:39 0.9 MB

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